New “electoral” snub for Emmanuel Macron five months before the presidential election. Members of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) have in fact led the 52-year-old Republican, David Lisnard, a staunch opponent to the head of state.

Faced with the winner, the UDI mayor of Sceaux led a list of elected macron-compatible with the added bonus of Edouard Philippe's desire to take advantage of this election to count his supporters and weigh on the future.

A very politicized election against the habits of the AMF since until then, the different political currents agreed in the name of the best interests of municipalities to influence national decisions.

This election therefore sounds like a referendum for or against the person of Emmanuel Macron. "By wanting to put the AMF back on the right track of his five-year term, Emmanuel Macron has transformed the ecumenical assembly into a counter-power", according to Maurice Bontinck in Charente libre.

In addition, this election only confirms the incomprehension between the Elysee and local communities. The municipal elections of 2020 did not make it possible to tip any large city into the hands of La République en Marche.

And the last regional ones were catastrophic for the majority, with the humiliating scores of certain ministers who left for the campaign ... LREM did not therefore succeed in establishing itself in the territories, testimony of the very vertical and solitary conception of power by the government. President of the Republic.

“The election of David Lisnard marks the Waterloo of macronism. All that will remain of the so-called new world will be contempt for the territories and the French, ”replied the deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes Éric Ciotti on Twitter.

Alyson Braxton for DayNewsWorld