Finished the lazy recovery of the daily subway-work-dodo.

But why not take a nap from time to time, just to break this haunting rhythm.

This is what you are invited to a study of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), published September 9, 2019 in the scientific journal Heart.

Napping once or twice a week would be good for the heart.

A protective effect against heart diseases ?

To reach these conclusions, the researchers relied on the follow-up of some 3,500 people aged 35 to 75 over an eight-year period during which participants underwent various medical tests.

Scientists observed a "significantly lower risk" of cardiovascular problems in nap subjects compared to other panel members.

Why such a result ?

On the one hand the nap would relieve the accumulated stress aggravating factor of cardiovascular pathologies.

On the other hand these small meridian can compensate for the challenge of sleep.

But be careful: do not sleep more than twenty minutes at the risk of sleeping less well at night.

Do not forget your alarm clock !

Kate White for DayNewsWorld