With summer fruits, here is an easy and delicious dessert by the renowned pastry chef Cyril Lignac.


Apricots: 1 lb (about 1 pound)
Eggs: 3
Heavy cream: 3/4 cup
Granulated sugar: 2/3 cup
Hazelnut flour: 1 cup
Amaretto: 2 tablespoons
Sliced almonds: a handful
Butter: 2 teaspoons


Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes

Preheat the oven to 375°F.

Cut a sheet of parchment paper to the size of the baking dish.

Brush the parchment paper with butter and place it in the dish. Pit and halve the apricots.

In a mixing bowl, combine the eggs, sugar, heavy cream, amaretto, and hazelnut flour.

For the mixture into the buttered dish, arrange the apricots evenly on top, and sprinkle with sliced almonds.

Bake for 30 minutes.

Let cool before unmolding.

Enjoy as a dessert or serve it at a tea brunch.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Today, I’m sharing a simple and delicious recipe for chocolate pear crumble ! It’s both easy and quick to make, and it will undoubtedly be a hit with all the food lovers at your table.


 8 pears

5.3 oz of dark chocolate

1.4 tbsp of butter

1 tsp of ground cinnamon

 For the crumble topping:

3/4 cup of all-purpose flour

2/3 cup of brown sugar

5.6 tbsp of butter


Prep time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 40 minutes

 Before starting to prepare this fruit and chocolate crumble, preheat your oven to 410°F (210°C).

 Begin with the crumble topping: put the flour, butter (cut into pieces), and brown sugar in a mixing bowl, and work them with your fingertips until you get a crumbly texture.

 Move on to the pears: peel them, cut them into quarters, then dice the flesh. Sauté the diced pears in a pan over medium heat for a few minutes with the butter and cinnamon, stirring regularly. Finally, for the chocolate: grate it with a knife or a coarse grater.

To assemble your crumble, use a medium-sized baking dish or 6 individual ramekins. First, place the pears at the bottom, sprinkle with the grated chocolate, and cover everything with the crumble topping. Place in the oven, lower the temperature to 350°F (180°C), and bake for about 35 minutes, until the crumble topping is golden brown.

 Let the crumble cool before serving with cold cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.


 To save time, you can use canned pears in syrup, which you won’t need to cook, just drain, dice, and sprinkle with cinnamon.

 If you want to add more flavor and crunch to your crumble topping, you can mix in some coarsely crushed speculoos cookies.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Here is a menu to separate with his half.

To begin our romantic dinner the love elixir.

The elixir of love: for that you need fresh champagne, two strawberries.

Cut the strawberries in half and cut them. Then put them in the bottom of a glass of champagne and pour the fresh champagne on it.

For the entry '' Passionately for Saint Jacques ''

For that you need four beautiful scallop nuts with their coral, a small pot of light cream, four passion fruit ripe. Fry in a hot skillet with olive oil the saints jacques keep them warm just remove the coral that you mix with the cream.

Empty the passion fruit in a bowl remove the grains using a tea strainer and deglaze the juice in the pan. Then serve on a plate to enter the middle two nuts of St. Jacques and then form a heart around with coral sauce. Then finalize by pouring on the saints jacques passion juice deglazed with the juice of the saints jacques.

For the dish '' Lots of spaghetti with passion tomato and langoustines ''

First you need eight raw langoustines that you cook in a pot of water with salt.

Take a pot of tomato sauce that you will sauté in a hot skillet by incorporating pepper salt a little crushed garlic. Once the langoustines cooked in shell six cut into small pieces.

For the two remaining just remove the carcass of the body to use decoration. In a large saucepan heat water with a pinch of salt a tablespoon of olive oil and throw pasta about 300 grams once the water boils.

Follow the recommended time.

Drain them. Then toss them in the hot pan with the scampi pieces to heat the whole thing for a minute. Arrange your plates with the pasta in the middle then on each put the langoustine in decoration.

For dessert '' A La Folie a chocolate fondue and fruit to share ''

For this you need a bar of dark chocolate, a green apples, a banana, an orange, strawberries, a kiwi.

Peel the fruit and cut into small pieces presenting them in a more chic silver dish with two small dessert forks. Then heat the chocolate in a saucepan by adding a glass of milk on the heat.

Out of the heat, add a tablespoon of liquid cream and 50 grams of butter.

And now, it's ready. You pour the chocolate in a nice bowl and then at the table you dip your fork with the fruit in this mixture and offer it to your partner.

Of course the dinner will be champagne, my preference is the Mumm for this occasion.

Happy Valentine's day

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Voici la version américaine de la recette de risotto hivernal, avec les ingrédients convertis en unités américaines :

Winter Butternut Squash Risotto for 4


1 1/2 cups Carnaroli rice
1 butternut squash
5.6 oz hazelnuts
1 large white onion
3.5 tbsp butter
10.6 oz grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup white wine
5 cups mushroom or vegetable broth
1 tbsp olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper


Dice the onion into small pieces. Peel the butternut squash, remove the seeds, and cut it into small cubes. Crush the hazelnuts into small pieces before toasting them in a skillet.

Melt the butter in a saucepan with a bit of olive oil. Sauté the onions until they become translucent. Add the butternut squash cubes and cook for 5-6 minutes over medium heat.

Increase the heat, then add the rice. Stir until the rice becomes slightly translucent.

In the white wine and the first ladleful of broth after 5 minutes of cooking the rice.

Add 5 more ladlefuls of broth 5 minutes later. Ensure the rice is always covered with liquid, stirring constantly during the indicated cooking time. Add more broth as necessary.

Check the rice for doneness; it should be al dente. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add 4 generous handfuls of grated Parmesan.

Serve the risotto on a plate, topped with toasted hazelnuts, grated Parmesan, and a twist of freshly ground black pepper.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld
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Un plat chic et facile à réaliser.


1 kg de filet mignon

4 poires

1 citron bio

2 échalotes

4 cuillère(s) à soupe de miel

4 cuillère(s) à café de quatre-épices

60 g de noisettes concassées

140 g de beurre demi-sel

1 cuillère(s) à soupe d'huile de noisette

20 cl de fond de veau


1° Préchauffez le four à 100°/th. 3-4. Préparez la farce : pelez et coupez 2 poires en brunoise. Zestez et pressez le citron. Pelez et ciselez finement les échalotes. Dans un saladier, mélangez la brunoise, les échalotes, 2 c. à soupe de miel, la moitié des zestes et du jus de citron ainsi que la moitié des épices et des noisettes .

2° Salez et poivrez la viande. Dans une poêle, faites chauffer 15g de beurre et l’huile de noisette, puis faites revenir le filet 4-5 mn sur toutes ses faces. Réservez la poêle sans la nettoyer pour la sauce.

3° Ouvrez le filet en portefeuille, garnissez-le de farce et refermez-le soigneusement avec de la ficelle de cuisine. Placez-le dans un plat à four et enfournez pendant 2h.

4° Lavez et ôtez le cœur des poires restantes, tranchez-les dans la hauteur, arrosez-les du reste de jus de citron, parsemez du reste des zestes, ajoutez le reste de miel et d’épices, mélangez. 15 mn avant la fin de la cuisson du filet mignon, faites rôtir dans une grande poêle les tranches de poire à feu doux dans le reste de beurre bien chaud 5 mn.

5° Préparez la sauce : remettez la poêle sur le feu, puis déglacez-la avec le fond de veau et laissez réduire de moitié. Puis, hors du feu, ajoutez 100g de beurre sans cesser de fouetter. Réservez au chaud.

6° Sortez la viande, coupez-la en tranches. Dans chaque assiette, disposez des lamelles de poire caramélisées, 1 tranche de viande, arrosez de sauce et parsemez de noisettes.

Vous pouvez servir avec un vin du Beaujolais-Villages.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Une entrée de montagne, à décliner avec n'importe quel fromage bleu, réaliser en peu de temps.

Ingrédients pour 4 personnes

1 kg de potiron

1 oignon

20 cl de crème liquide

30 cl de lait

30 g de beurre

1,2 l de bouillon de volaille

120 g de bleu de Savoie

croûtons de pain

brins de ciboulette


Coupez le potiron, ôtez les graines, retirez la peau et découpez la chair en morceaux. Émincez l’oignon. Faites-le revenir dans le beurre fondu jusqu’à ce qu’il soit transparent. Ajoutez les morceaux de potiron et le bouillon de volaille. Portez le tout à ébullition, puis réduisez le feu et laissez frémir environ 15 mn, jusqu’à ce que le potiron soit tendre

Passez la soupe au mixeur et incorporez le lait. Remettez la soupe sur le feu puis incorporez la crème liquide. Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre, ajoutez les croûtons, le bleu de Savoie coupé en dés et un peu de ciboulette ciselée.

Dégustez aussitôt.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Pour cette recette de Magrets de canards flambés au cognac, pommes et abricots, vous pouvez compter 40 minutes de préparation. Ce plat peut être préparé avant le repas et réchauffé 15 à 20 min avant d'être servi.


Magret de canard 3 tranche(s)

Chorizo doux 1

Pomme(s) Golden 3

Abricots secs 250 g



1° Coupez les magrets de canards en fines tranches sur la longueur. Détaillez les tranches de lard en petits dés.

2° Émincez le chorizo en fines rondelles. Épluchez les pommes, retirez les pépins et coupez-les en petits dés.

3° Placez dans un saladier les pommes et les abricots, versez dessus un léger filet de cognac pour parfumer les fruits et laissez-les macérer.

4° Dans une grande poêle, faites fondre un peu de gras (un peu de la peau des magrets par exemple), faites revenir les tranches des magrets, les morceaux de lard et les rondelles de chorizo.

5° Quand la viande commence à être saisie, versez le cognac dans la poêle, laissez-le chauffer un petit peu, et faites flamber le tout.

6° Laissez mijoter quelques minutes sans laisser trop cuire les magrets afin d'éviter qu'ils sèchent par la cuisson, versez le tout dans une marmite pouvant accueillir un couvercle, ajoutez-y les pommes et les pruneaux.

7° Pensez à remuer régulièrement le tout et laissez cuire à feu doux, le temps que les fruits fondent.

8° Si le couvercle de votre marmite n'est pas lisse et possède un léger rebord, vous pouvez verser sur le couvercle un peu d'eau, la condensation produite par la chaleur de la cuisson évitera d'assécher le contenu qui est en train de cuire.

Et dégustez !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld


Due to its aniseed taste, fennel is the ingredient to discover and slip into your salads !

It gives them a little extra taste and with the avocados and oranges, this salad is perfect to surprise your guests.


Lawyer(s) 2

Fennel 1

Orange(s) 2

Red onion(s)

Red onion(s) 1

Balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. soup

Olive oil 2 tbsp. soup

Salt pepper


1°Rinse the fennel and cut it into thin strips.

2°Chop the onion finely and cut the avocado into quarters.

3° Peel the oranges and cut them into quarters.

4°In a small bowl, mix the balsamic vinegar, olive oil, with a pinch of salt and pepper.

5° Add the olive oil and balsamic vinegar in a drizzle, with a pinch of pepper and salt.

6°Mix with a wooden spoon.

You can replace the oranges with grapefruit.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Squash is a versatile fruit (yes, a fruit) that you can use in a myriad of recipes.

You can easily prepare these succulent fall recipes using squash.


Small spaghetti squash-2

Vegetable oil-10 ml (2 tsp)

Pepper-To taste


White mushrooms - 1 punnet of 227 g

Italian sausages-350 g (¾ lb)

Grated mozzarella cheese-125 g (1 cup)

Tomato coulis-1 bottle of approximately 675 ml

Baby spinach - 1 punnet of 142 g


Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F). Place the rack in the center of the oven. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (or a reusable baking sheet).

Cut the squash in half lengthwise. Using a spoon, remove the seeds and strings from inside the squash.

Using a kitchen brush, brush the inside of the squash with oil. Season generously with pepper and place the squash on the baking sheet, cut side down.

Bake them for 25 to 35 minutes or until the tip of a knife easily inserts into the flesh.

Meanwhile, chop the onion, slice the mushrooms and remove the sausage casings.

In a large, high-sided non-stick skillet preheated over medium-high heat, without adding any fat, crumble the sausage meat using a wooden spoon. Cook it for 2 or 3 minutes, until it starts to brown.

Add the onion and mushrooms to the pan. Continue cooking for 7 or 8 minutes, avoiding handling them too much to allow them to brown well.

Meanwhile, grate the cheese.

Reduce heat to medium-low. Add the tomato coulis and spinach, then mix. Continue cooking for 3 or 4 minutes, until the sauce is hot.

Divide the sauce among the cooked squash halves and top them with cheese. Brown them under the grill for 2 minutes or until the cheese is browned. Serve everything.

You can use whatever vegetables you have on hand for this recipe. Zucchini, peppers, celery, carrots, kale or Swiss chard... All will give a good result !   

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Before the bitter cold, after the Indian summer, the time has come for seasonal vegetables that are good, those that evoke grandmother's soup and winter gratins.
Which is pretty good, since it’s more or less the ideal seasonal menu !


For 4 people

Cauliflower 0.5

Broccoli(s) 0.5

Egg(s) 4

Liquid cream 20 cl

Grated Gruyère 50 g

Curry 1 tbsp. coffee

Salt pepper


1° Cut the broccoli and cauliflower into florets. Place them in a pot of boiling salted water. Cook for 20 min. Check the cabbages for cooking and drain.

2° In a salad bowl, whisk the eggs with the liquid cream. Add curry ale, salt and pepper generously.

3° Distribute the cabbages in a gratin dish or in individual molds. Pour the egg mixture on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.

4° Bake the flan for 30 to 35 minutes (oven preheated to 160°C).

When the flan is cooked, remove the dish from the oven and enjoy hot ?

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld
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Vite préparée, cette salade régalera les papilles de vos convives par sa fraicheur et son originalité.

Ingrédients :

Melon 2

Fraise(s) 250 g

Framboise(s) 125 g

Billes de mozzarella 250 g

Verveine Quelques feuilles

Vinaigre balsamique blanc 4 c. à soupe

Huile d'olive 12 c. à soupe

Fleur de sel

Poivre du moulin

Glace pilée 8 poignée(s)

Eau 20 cl

Sucre 50 g

Préparation :

Préparation 15 min

Cuisson 20 min

1° Dans un mixer, mélanger le sucre, l’eau et les feuilles de verveine pour réaliser le granité. Verser dans un saladier et le placer au congélateur.

2° Couper en 2 chaque melon et retirer les pépins au centre sans creuser. À l’aide d’une cuillère à pomme parisienne, réaliser des billes de melon sans aller trop sur les bords et sans trop creuser. À l’aide d’une cuillère à soupe, retirer extrémités coupées sans creuser le melon, les couper en petits cubes puis les déposer au creux du melon.

3°Équeuter les fraises puis les couper en quartiers. Si elles sont trop grosses, tailler les billes de mozzarella.

4°Dans un saladier, mélanger les fraises, la mozzarella, les framboises et les billes de melon. Dans un petit bol, mélanger le vinaigre avec l’huile d’olive. Assaisonner les fruits avec la vinaigrette, la fleur de sel et le poivre du moulin. Mélanger délicatement.

5°Dans des assiettes creuses, déposer une feuille de papier absorbant pliée et mouillée avec de l’eau, verser par-dessus la glace pilée. Déposer chaque demi-melon sur la glace et faire une jolie présentation en y disposant à l’intérieur le granité de verveine et la salade de fruits. Ajouter quelques feuilles de verveine et servir.

Servir avec un petit rosé de Provence.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld


The favorite summer dessert. Nothing to peel, without flour, it is very light, fresh and so beautiful to look at!


For 6 people | Preparation: 10 mins | cooking time: 40 mins

8 nectarines

6 eggs (3 whole + 3 yolks)

70g brown sugar

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

35 cl liquid whole whipping cream

1 pinch of salt


Preheat the oven to 180°C (th. 6)

Rinse the nectarines, dry them and, without peeling them, cut them into quarters 1 cm thick, turning around the core. Place them in a gratin dish, overlapping them tightly as for a vegetable tian.

Mix 3 whole eggs, 3 yolks, sugars, salt and liquid cream.

Pour over the nectarines and bake for 40 minutes. Enjoy warm or cold.

This is the device for quiches adapted to fruit, a creamy mixture without flour. Choose white or yellow nectarines, or a mixture of the two. Replace the nectarines with peaches, apricots, a mixture of these fruits or any other fruit of your choice. In a round mold, arrange the fruit in a rosette or in strips by color in a square or rectangular dish. Double the doses for large tables.

All year round: With apples, an apple-pear mixture… Summer fruits, winter fruits, but make sure they don't release too much water.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Here is a delicious eggplant recipe for this season.


For 4 people

2 eggplants, cut into 2cm pieces

300g cherry tomatoes

2 mild green chillies cut into pieces

1 ball of mozzarella

5 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp salt


A few basil leaves

For the salsa

2 cloves minced garlic

3 anchovy fillets, chopped

5g chopped cilantro

5g chopped basil

4 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp lemon juice


Preheat the oven to 210°. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper.

Mix the aubergines with 200 g of tomatoes, the peppers, oil, fine salt and plenty of pepper. Distribute them on the plate, trying to space them out.

Roast in the oven for 45 minutes, stirring halfway through cooking, until the eggplants are golden. Set aside. Combine all the salsa ingredients in a bowl.

Arrange the roasted vegetables on a serving platter. Add the rest of the cherry tomatoes cut in half. Top with shredded mozzarella. Drizzle with salsa and sprinkle with a few basil leaves.

You can add or not raw tomatoes at the time of assembly.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


The flavor of the popular poke bowl, also known by its English name poke bowl, can be enhanced by a seaweed salad from Quebec.


For the rice

Calrose rice (sushi rice)-500 ml (2 cups)

Water-625 ml (2 ½ cups)

Rice vinegar-60 ml (¼ cup)

White wine vinegar-60 ml (¼ cup)

Sugar-15 ml (1 tbsp)

Salt-15 ml (1 tbsp)

For the marinated salmon

Brown sugar-10 ml (2 tsp)

Garlic clove, minced-1

Chopped fresh ginger-10 ml (2 tsp)

Soy sauce-30 ml (2 tbsp)

Sesame oil-5 ml (1 tsp)

Maple syrup-15 ml (1 tbsp)

Fresh salmon (sushi grade), cubed-1 240 g (½ lb) steak

For the wafu sauce

Mayonnaise-250 ml (1 cup)

Chopped fresh ginger-2.5 ml (½ tsp)

Soy sauce-10 ml (2 tsp)

Sesame oil-2.5 ml (½ tsp)

Sriracha-2.5 ml (½ tsp)

Salt and pepper-to taste

For the edamame

Frozen edamame-250 ml (1 cup)

For mounting

seaweed salad

Lebanese cucumber, sliced-1

Carrot, julienned-1

Lime, quartered-1

Green onions, chopped-2


For the rice

Rinse the rice with plenty of water.

Put the rice and water in a saucepan. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to minimum, cover the pan, and cook the rice for 18 minutes.

Meanwhile, heat the vinegars, sugar and salt in a small saucepan until dissolved.

Add the vinegar mixture to the cooked rice, mix, then set aside.

For the marinated salmon

Combine the marinade ingredients, except for the salmon.

Add the salmon cubes.

Cover the salmon in the marinade with plastic wrap and let it rest for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

For the wafu sauce

Mix all the ingredients for the wafu sauce in a bowl, adjust the seasoning if necessary, then set aside.

For the edamame

Blanch the edamame for 2 minutes, remove them from the boiling water, then plunge them into a basin of ice water to stop the cooking.

Remove the edamame from the ice water, then dry them well. Book.

For mounting

Put the rice in the bottom of the bowls. Add the vegetable garnishes. Arrange the salmon cubes on top, then add the wafu sauce.

Serve chilled and enjoy ! 

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Gourmet drink straight from the United States, the milk shake is easily prepared at home, whether or not you have a blender available. For this, simply mix fruit (strawberry, raspberry, banana, mango ...) with milk ("milk" in English) or ice cream (with vanilla, traditionally). Without milk, the milkshake becomes a "smoothie", just as delicious.

Gourmands will make their milkshake with Nutella or other spread. The original recipes of milkshakes are not lacking: choose from our recipes below to spend an unforgettable summer!

Milkshake fishing for 2 people

1 Remove the skin from the peaches, put the 2 bags of vanilla sugar, put the 2 yogurts of 125 g, add 700 ml of milk, mix a little, and voila!

Milkshake light strawberry

same ingredients and 125 g strawberries

1 Strawberries: clean and cut in half.

2 Mix the ingredients in the bowl of the robot and let's go .... mix until you get some mousse.

3 Pour without waiting in large glasses and sip your delicious milk shake with a straw

This dessert brings only 98 calories per person, why not use it ....

Raspberry Milkshake

Frozen raspberries

4 mint leaves

1 tablespoon powdered sugar (shaved)

1 Put in a blender a glass of raspberry chips for about three glasses of milk. Add some mint leaves and sugar to taste according to your taste.

2 Turn on the blender for a few seconds.

You get a delicious frozen milkshake (raspberries are frozen) and light because it does not contain ice. Ideal for summer ...

Yogurt and vanilla milkshake

Ingredients / for 2 people

2 sweet yogurts

2 scoops of vanilla ice cream

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

Cocoa powder or chocola vermicelli

Mix the plain yogurts, vanilla sugar and two scoops of vanilla ice until the mixture is sparkling .

2 Pour the milkshake into two glasses, sprinkle with cocoa powder or chocolate vermicelli.

Ice coffee

Ingredients for 4 persons

a rest of coffee put in the refrigerator (about 20 cl)

4 scoops vanilla ice cream about 20 cl unsweetened condensed milk (liquid)

5 cl of milk

1 sachet of vanilla sugar

6 ice cubes


1 Put in a good blender condensed milk, milk, ice cubes, cooled coffee and vanilla sugar. settle until the mixture forms only foam (or almost). Attention it must inflate very quickly.

3 Arrange the glasses and introduce a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

4 Put in the glasses the mixed mixture.

5 Add whipped cream above.

Serve with a straw immediately. And enjoy without waiting. Enjoy ... under an umbrella by the pool or at the beach, in your bungalow away from the rays of the sun while waiting for the evening freshness...

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


A famous refreshing delight for this spring

For 10 people


For the strawberry coulis

Strawberries, washed, dried, hulled and cut into 2-500 g (about 2 cups)

Sugar-50 g (¼ cup)

Lemon juice or kirsch-15 ml (1 tbsp)

For the gelatin and cream

Gelatin-7 sheets

Cream 35%-400 g (1 ¾ cup)

For the Italian meringue

Sugar-100 g (½ cup) + 15 ml (1 tbsp)

Water-60 ml (¼ cup)

Large egg whites, at room temperature - 2 or 60 g

Lemon juice-5 ml (1 tsp)

For mounting

whipped cream-to taste



For the strawberry coulis

In a bowl, mix the strawberries with the sugar and lemon juice. Let it rest for a few hours (preferably in the fridge overnight) to extract the juice from the fruit.

Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and pass the coulis through a fine-mesh sieve to remove the pips.

For the gelatin and cream

Place the gelatin sheets, one by one, in a bowl of cold water.

Whip the cream into soft peaks and prepare the Italian meringue.

For the Italian meringue

In a small saucepan, combine 125 ml (½ cup) of sugar and water. Heat the mixture over high heat, stirring, until boiling.

Once it comes to a boil, stop stirring the mixture. Cook the sugar syrup until it reaches 115°C (240°F) on an instant-read thermometer or candy thermometer.

Brush the sides of the pan, if necessary, with a pastry brush dipped in water.

Meanwhile, combine the egg whites and lemon juice in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment.

Set the mixer to medium speed and mix until soft peaks form, about 2 minutes.

When the sugar syrup has reached the right temperature, increase the speed of the mixer and add 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of sugar.

While the mixer is running, slowly and carefully pour in the hot sugar syrup in a trickle.

Increase the speed to high and whip the meringue until it reaches soft, yet firm peaks and has completely cooled.

For mounting

Put the strawberry coulis in a large bowl.

Remove the gelatin sheets from the water and squeeze them to remove excess liquid.

Transfer them to a small bowl and microwave them for 30 seconds or until completely melted and hot (don't let them boil).

Incorporate the hot gelatin into the strawberry coulis using a whisk.

Incorporate half of the Italian meringue using a whisk to lighten the mixture. Using a spatula, then fold in the rest of the meringue, then the whipped cream.

Continue to fold the mixture until it is homogeneous. Immediately pour the meringue into your serving bowl and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Serve with a little whipped cream and strawberries.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



Here is a very simple and fresh recipe that highlights the salmon and combines it with the fresh tastes of citrus fruits and beets.

The ingredients for this recipe:

For the dry marinade:

1 large raw beetroot, grated

80 ml (1/3 cup) brown sugar

80 ml (1/3 cup) sea salt

30 ml (2 tbsp.) orange juice, freshly squeezed

7.5 ml (½ tbsp.) fennel seeds, crushed

For the lemon lime yogurt:

The zest of an orange

30 ml (2 tbsp) fresh dill, chopped

2.5 ml (1/2 tsp) black pepper

1 salmon or trout fillet 500g, skinless

180 ml (3/4 cup) 0% fat plain Greek yogurt

Supremes of a lime

Juice and zest of one lime

Chives, chopped, to taste

Salt and pepper, to taste

The preparation :

In a bowl, combine all the ingredients for the dry marinade. Coat the fish well with this marinade and wrap it in plastic wrap. Place the coated piece of fish on a baking sheet.

Place another plate on the fish and add a weight in the center (to crush the fillet well and trap the taste).

Leave to marinate for 12 to 24 hours in the refrigerator.

Take out and remove the marinade from the fish. Run cold water quickly. Drain the salmon well. With a sharp knife, very thinly slice the fish fillet to make the gravlax. Finally, combine all the ingredients for the yogurt sauce.

Serve with gravlax and house toast.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


An easy recipe to intoxicate your taste buds in all circumstances

Ingredients for 4 persons

500g sausage meat

100g breadcrumbs

1 clove of garlic

3 cm ginger root

2 tablespoons of soy sauce

1 tablespoon dry white wine

1 pinch of Chinese five-spice

3-4 tbsp neutral oil

1 onion

1 red pepper

1 small red pepper

3 tbsp apricot jam

1 lime

3 tablespoons brown sugar

75ml rice vinegar

1 tablespoon of Maizena


1° Mix the sausage meat with the breadcrumbs, grated garlic and ginger, soy sauce, wine and spices. Make dumplings.

2° Cut the onion into strips and cut the pepper into pieces.

3° Mince the chilli. Cook them in a little oil until they are soft and barely coloured.

4° Brown the meatballs in the oil on all sides.

5° Mix the jam, a little lime juice, the sugar, 2 spoons of soy sauce and the rice vinegar.

6°Dissolve the cornstarch in a little cold water and add to the mixture.

7° Combine the meatballs, the mixture of peppers and onions and the sauce. Simmer until meatballs are cooked (10 minutes minimum).

Serve hot with prepared rice.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



Introduced to cooking from an early age by her father, Anne Etorre gives you a delicious spring recipe

Ingredients for 4 persons

500 g of radishes of all kinds (black, red and blue meat, red, etc.)

1 kohlrabi

100 g sheep cheese 1 tablespoon rice vinegar

3 tablespoons herbaceous olive oil

flower of salt

ground pepper (rather a little citrus)


Brush the radishes, remove the damaged parts.

Peel the kohlrabi. Slice them very thinly, using a mandoline or a knife, and put them in a large bowl. Add vinegar, olive oil and a little salt. Mix well to coat the vegetables. Let stand 15 to 20 minutes.

Arrange the vegetables nicely on a platter.

Cut shavings of tomme cheese with a peeler and insert them with the vegetables. Pepper.

Enjoy this delicious original dish with a chilled rosé ! .

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Of Jewish origin from Eastern Europe, pastrami has made the success of Delicatessen all over the world. A recipe that can be done partly on the barbecue, partly in the oven, or all on the barbecue, if you want.

Pastrami probably comes from Romania

The word is pastrami, trama initially is a mixture of spices. It will take a lot of time, about four days, to make our pastrami.


A brisket of beef weighing about two kilos

60 grams of salt

60 grams of brown sugar


I First grind or crush the following mixture:

30 grams of mustard seeds, black pepper, coriander seeds, fennel seeds, juniper berries, pink pepper and smoked paprika.

Start by mixing the coarse salt and brown sugar, then rub the mixture on the beef brisket.

Then place this well-wrapped beef brisket in the refrigerator for 48 to 72 hours. Then remove it, remove the sugar, the salt, pass it under water, dry it completely with absorbent paper.

Rub it again with the spice mixture to completely cover it.

Then place the meat in a dish in the oven at 110 degrees for six hours. Slow cooking will make the meat super tender and release some of its juices.

Remove the meat from the oven, let it cool at room temperature for about 30 minutes.

Put it on the barbecue with a few wood chips that have been moistened beforehand to lightly smoke it, wrap it in parchment paper or aluminum foil and then collect the cooking juices. Add two tablespoons of ketchup, ideally homemade, a tablespoon of honey, a clove of crushed garlic, two teaspoons of smoked paprika. Reduce the sauce and coat.

Slice the pastrami into thin slices, heat it slightly and enjoy with warm bread.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Comes the time of mangoes and coconuts on our stalls. Let's take the opportunity to make a flan with exotic flavors that will turn your taste buds upside down...

Preparation time

15 minutes

For 6 persons :


1 large mango

60 g grated coconut pulp

4 eggs

30 cl of light cream

40 g caster sugar


Heat your oven to 180°C.

Detach the flesh from the mango and mix it with the coconut pulp.

Beat together, in a bowl, the eggs, the cream and the sugar.

Add this preparation to the mango/coconut mixture. Stir until the preparation is homogeneous.

Divide it into 6 moulds.

Bake for 30 minutes.

Let cool. Then keep the blanks in the refrigerator.

This flan with exotic flavors will turn your taste buds upside down !!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



Come on youth, it's Valentine's Day meal. So we put on our apron and get to the stove.

So we have the choice we will choose either the sea side menu (shellfish) or the meat side menu.

But everything will be done with love. For once very dear or dear you are requested to dress me for your table with elegance.

For both menus you absolutely need red rose petals and strawberries.

So let's start with the fish menu :

Appetizer  - love red rosé

Entrance-medallion of scallops swimming in its love filter

Salmon dish duo to separate

Dessert-heart chocolate to break

For the appetizer, provide blinis that are cut with heart-shaped cookie cutters. Then after we apply tarama and red lump eggs. You can make two person parts.

Arrange a pink and red heart on a small tray then decorate the edge of your dish with your rose petals.

Let's go to the starter: brown (provide two or three per person) the scallops in a pan seasoned with olive oil, salt, cayenne pepper which will enhance the taste of the shells.

Heat the ready-made lobster bisque in a saucepan. Once hot, place the scallops in a deep plate, decorate the edge with Espelette pepper.

Bring them to the table in a carafe or in a silver teapot, especially not in a sauce boat, which would be trivial, the lobster bisque that you pour delicately over the walnuts.

The dish: Place a salmon steak in aluminum foil, then prepare two with a drizzle of olive oil, Provencal herbs, four cherry tomatoes, salted and peppered.

Once the oven is hot (preheated to 180°), bake them for ten minutes, remembering to close the aluminum foil like a small purse.

Serve directly on a plate with the paper closed when opening it will release a good smell. Put in a dish next to the rice to serve as a side dish.

The rice cooked in a pot of water before (Uncle Beans rice is very easy to use).

I specify to cook the rice because I went to a dinner where the woman had dictated to her employee the recipe to make everything was delicious but she had forgotten to specify to cook the rice it arrived in the silver dish just straight out of the package raw !!!


In a heart-shaped cake mold you put dark chocolate melted in a water bath or over low heat in a saucepan in small quantities. To be able to add a white chocolate mousse. While waiting to make your mousse, put your dish in the fridge to harden your chocolate.

For the white chocolate mousse, melt 240 grams of white chocolate in a saucepan. Then add two egg yolks, mix.

Leave to cool then in a bowl beat this preparation with an electric mixer.

Then gently add the two egg whites, still beating.

Once your mousse is ready, put it in your dish where the chocolate is. Pack it well then put it back in the fridge for at least two hours. When ready to serve, unmold onto a large plate and place a cut rose on it if you have decorated it with gold chocolate leaf.

Meat menu.

Appetizer: Soft gingerbread heart with "French foie gras"

Starter: A sweet little goat like you

Dish: A little tender honey with balsamic chicken

Dessert: Chocolate waffle heart on passionate ice cream

Go to the kitchen. For the appetizer : Take sliced ​​gingerbread or use heart shapes to cut it. Then we will spread four pieces of "French foie gras". Place them on a platter decorated with rose petals.

Starter: buy green salad. Arrange it on small appetizer plates. Buy two small fresh goat's cheese and brown them in the pan.

Once ready put on the salad a little olive oil, salt and pepper, a goat cheese in the middle of each plate.

Then draw a heart on the salad around the goat cheese with vinegar. Serve hot.

For the dish: buy 400 grams of chicken aiguillettes that you brown with a little oil in the pan. Then add a small jar of light cream with the 250 gram pan and add three tablespoons. You will choose shells to accompany your dish.

The dessert: buy heart-shaped waffles. Then melt dark chocolate in a saucepan, trick a piece of waffle into it. Reserve them on a plate. Serve in cups of passion fruit ice cream, then you plant two waffles.

Finally for the end of the two meals finish with panache.

With strawberries, buy in the frozen department if you can't find any in the fresh department, then dip them in melted dark chocolate before going into a water bath.

And taste them with champagne.

You thus replay a cult pretty woman scene.

Happy Valentine's day.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



How to make the fondant chocolate cake that Cyril Lignac has already offered in his restaurants ?.

A delicious, simple recipe that can be prepared in part in advance.

Cyril Lignac unveiled his recipe for chocolate fondant with a praline,

As with any good runny or moist chocolate cake, start by melting chocolate in butter in a double boiler.

Then add flour and sugar.

The chef warns against the idea of ​​incorporating the eggs directly into the chocolate. This will whiten it. We would then lose the visual impact of a beautiful dark chocolate.

Add the eggs last before mixing. Then pour your dough into small individual molds and reserve in the refrigerator, a few hours or all night according to your needs.

Then bake at 190°C for 7 or 8 minutes just before serving.

Tasty on its own, the recipe takes on another dimension when you add praline

Cyril Lignac's tips

Cyril Lignac also explained how to sublimate this dessert with a homemade praline.

To make it, roast hazelnuts in the oven. Make a simple sugar caramel then add the hazelnuts and a little fleur de sel. Place everything on a sheet of parchment or silicone paper and let cool. Then put your preparation in a blender and mix.

Your hazelnut caramel will first be reduced to powder. Continue until you get the consistency of praline. All you have to do is add it to your still hot chocolate cakes using a spoon.

Serve and enjoy.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



You have a foggy brain, a liver that cries out for pity after holiday meals. .

Switch to crisis management mode: a bit of moderation, a touch of creativity and a few good ideas are enough to concoct Boxing Day recipes that are good for the body and the brain!

No surprise, the best detox option is liquid.

Start the day with a detox spice tea, continue with a lemon and peppermint water detox, then enjoy a cabbage detox juice for lunch.

Too light ? Bet on the detox broth with green vegetables.

Ingredients :

1 leek

1 stalk of celery

1 clove of garlic

6 sprigs of parsley

1 vegetable stock cube

1 bouquet garni (thyme, bay leaf)

1 liter of water

1° Cut the green of the leek, then cut the leek lengthwise from the base upwards. Run the leaves under running water, pulling them aside to remove the soil. On your cutting board, cut the leek whites into thin strips. Book. Wash the celery stalk, remove the filaments using a peeler if necessary then cut the stalk into strips. Peel the garlic clove and then split it in half lengthwise to remove the germ. Then roughly chop it. Prepare a bouquet garni. Wash the parsley, stem and then chop it. Reserve the ingredients.

2° In a saucepan, pour a liter of water then add the vegetable broth and the minced garlic. Bring to a boil over high heat with a lid. Then, add to your detox broth the strips of leek whites and celery stalk. Cover your pan again and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

3° At the end of the cooking of the detox broth, remove the bouquet garni and the minced garlic with a skimmer or colander. Then add the chopped parsley at the last moment.

Quickly serve your hot detox soup.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


The holidays are coming soon, and if there is one key ingredient at this time, it's smoked salmon.

Rich in omega 3 !!

Would you like to smoke your salmon yourself, but you don't have a smokehouse?

Nothing is impossible.

Here are the ingredients and the steps to follow to amaze the whole family.

Ingredients for smoking salmon at home:

1 back or fillet of salmon with its plump skin

500 g coarse salt

125 g caster sugar

Espelette pepper or spices of your choice (optional)

Utensils :

big tweezers


mixing bowl

a large glass or stainless steel dish

a clean towel

a wok or casserole

150g beech sawdust

Preparation steps for smoking salmon at home without a smokehouse:

Step 1: start by preparing the salmon. To do this, remove all the bones from the back of the salmon using tweezers. Then split the fillet in half and remove the skin.

Eliminate the bloody parts in the middle of each fillet.step 2: in the bowl, mix the salt, sugar, pepper and spices.

Pour half of this mixture into a large dish and place the salmon on top, then cover it completely with the rest of the mixture.

Step 3: wrap the dish in film and leave to marinate for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

Step 4: Once the salmon is well marinated, remove it from the dish and wash it in cold water. Then dry it with the clean towel.

Step 5: Place the salmon on an oven rack.

Step 6: pour the sawdust into the bottom of the wok or casserole, put a transparent lid on to observe the formation of smoke and turn on the heat to maximum power.

Step 7: After a few minutes, when you have enough smoke, quickly place the grate with the salmon in the wok.

Step 8: leave the fire lit for a few more moments, always to have a very dense smoke.

At the same time, wrap your wok to seal the lid and trap the smoke.

Step 9: then remove the wok from the heat, and as soon as possible put everything in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Here, your homemade smoked salmon is finally ready ! It's time to treat yourself !    

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Mushrooms, pumpkins, walnuts or chestnuts? Choose your champion, the original autumn recipes waltz traditions. Risotto with porcini mushrooms is reinvented with orange.

Ingredients :

250 g arborio rice (Italian rice with round grains)

40 g dehydrated porcini mushrooms

2 shallots

1 untreated orange

50 g grated parmesan

50g butter

1 C. olive oil

salt pepper

Preparation 20 mins

Cooking 21 mins

Rest 2 hours

1 Soak the porcini mushrooms in 1 liter of boiling water for 2 hours. Drain them, rinse them in cold water and pat them dry on absorbent paper. Chop them into small pieces.

2 Filter their soaking water through a strainer lined with a fine cloth and bring it to the boil.

3 Peel the shallots and chop them. Finely grate the orange zest and reserve 3 tbsp. tablespoons of its juice.

4 In a saucepan, sauté the shallots for 2 minutes with half the butter and the olive oil. Add the rice and mix for 2 minutes. Gradually sprinkle the water over the ceps. Let cook for 8 minutes while stirring.

5 Add the porcini mushrooms and cook for another 9 minutes.

6 Off the heat, stir in the orange zest and juice, the rest of the butter and the parmesan

Season with pepper, cover and leave to stand for 2 minutes, then serve !      

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



or this, allow 5 hours.
75 g of sugar
50 cl of liquid cream
2 sheets of gelatin
1 vanilla extract
15 cl of raspberry coulis
20 raspberries
8 speculoos

You put the gelatin leaves in cold water.

Then in a saucepan put the cream, the sugar, the vanilla to heat.

Add the gelatin leaves. Stir gently.

For the mixture into small cups and put in the fridge for 5 hours.

How to serve: each small spoonful of raspberry coulis 5 small raspberries, crumble a few speculoos above to make decoration.

Serve this dessert with Italian champagne that is to say with fresh Prosecco.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld
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Vous allez (re)découvrir la courge butternut et son goût beurre noisette version farcie. Une recette automnale qui a toutes ses chances de plaire à la table familiale. À la fois gourmand et réconfortant, le butternut saura judicieusement s’associer avec la chair à saucisse.

Ingrédients :

500 g de chair à saucisses

1 courge butternut

50 gr de parmesan râpé

2 oignons

1 gousse d’ail

1 demi bouquet de persil

2 c. à soupe d’huile d’olive


Poivre du moulin

Préparation : pour 4 personnes

Préparation 20 min

Cuisson 55 min


1 Préchauffez le four à 180°C (th.6). Coupez le haut de la courge sous la tête. Puis coupez la courge en 2 dans la longueur. Épépinez-la puis videz-la de sorte à former un creu dans sa chair. Récupérez la chair de la courge et mixez-la. Faites revenir la chair à saucisse et la chair de courge dans une poêle huilée à feu moyen. Ajoutez le persil ciselé, les oignons et l’ail émincés. Salez et poivrez. Laissez mijoter quelques minutes jusqu’à ce que les chairs soient bien cuites.

2 Disposez les demi courges sur une plaque de cuisson recouverte de papier sulfurisé. Garnissez les deux moitiés de courge avec la farce et arrosez le tout d’un filet d’huile d’olive. Parsemez de fromage râpé. Enfournez pour 45 min jusqu’à ce que le fromage soit gratiné. À servir dès la sortie du four.

Si on se la joue gourmand(e), on accompagne nos courges farcies de pommes de terre sautées. Et bon appétit !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Quand l'automne pointe le bout de son nez, on a tous un petit coup de blues au moment de ressortir les manteaux et les écharpes du placard... Oui mais : il ne faut pas oublier que cette saison a aussi ses bons côtés ! Et notamment d'un point de vue culinaire avec les veloutés et les soupes automnales

Ingrédients :

1 potiron (d'environ 1 kg)

2 escalopes de poulet (200 g chacune)

1 carotte

1 blanc de poireau

50 cl de lait demi-écrémé

10 g de margarine allégée

1 c. à soupe d’huile d’olive

sel et poivre

Préparation :

Préparation 15 min

Cuisson 26 min

1 Épluchez et lavez la carotte. Coupez-la en morceaux. Lavez le poireau.

Coupez le potiron en deux. Pelez et taillez la chair en cubes.

2 Dans une casserole anti-adhésive, chauffez l’huile et déposez-y les légumes. Mélangez 3 minutes. Poivrez.

3 Versez 75 cl d'eau et salez au gros sel. Portez à ébullition. Laissez cuire 20 minutes (jusqu'à ce que les légumes soient tendres).

4 Mixez la préparation.

5 Ajoutez le lait.

6 Taillez le poulet en fines lanières.

7 Faites-le revenir dans un peu de margarine allégée 4 minutes. Assaisonnez.

6 Servez en soupière et répartissez en surface les lanières de volaille.

Régalez-vous !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld


Arrive the frosts of autumn and its seasonal vegetables.


-300 g salty shortcrust pastry

-4 white leeks

-150 g old brittle mimolette

-2 eggs

-1 dl of double cream.

For the bechamel

-50 g of butter

-50 g of flour

-3 dl of milk

- salt, pepper, nutmeg.


1° Prepare your salty shortcrust pastry

2° Slice the white leeks after having cleaned them.

3° Blanch the sliced ​​leeks for a few minutes in salted boiling water. This step saves time when cooking large quantities otherwise you can go directly to the next step, sweating with butter.

4° Drain the leeks and steam them in butter.

5° Make the bechamel sauce (it should be a bit thick).

6° Off the heat, pour the bechamel sauce over the steamed leeks and add the eggs and cream. To mix together. Salt and pepper.

7° Place on the shortcrust pastry and blind bake for 10 minutes at 180°C.

Enjoy your lunch ! 

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


It's Wednesday. The day your daughter calls you half an hour before, wondering how you are doing. Then tell you it's raining or cold, recommend not to go out because you're going to get sick. There you answer that she is right. Horror misfortune she has an appointment that has just fallen it brings you these monsters in an hour to taste it.  

As you want to be a good grandma go hop to the stove. This cake with another decoration can be served also for a Thea with your bridge partners.

For this quick recipe you need:

a microwave oven

a silicone dish you find it at all shop (funny shape for child butterfly,

heart .....) otherwise in the form of cake or round more traditional

200 gr of dark chocolate pastry

75 gr of flour

100 gr of sugar

100 gr of butter

4 eggs

Melt butter in the microwave, melt the chocolate in another container.

Mix everything in a salad bowl, then pour the dough into the mold

Then 6 minutes in the microwave maximum power and it's ready !

Unmould, let cool to child decorate with candy smarties or crocodiles to give color. For bridgeuses roses in white sugar.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



To refresh your taste buds when the temperatures rise outside, nothing is more thirst-quenching than a small Diego Alary-style watermelon granita.

You will only need a limited number of ingredients and a few minutes of your time.


1 large watermelon, very heavy and firm

1 liter of fruity rosé

The juice of a very juicy lime

Very red strawberries


Fragrant mint

Ice cubes


Cut the chosen watermelon into two parts.

Dig one of the halves of the watermelon to recover the flesh of the fruit.

Then mix it with the rosé, the juice of a lime and a few strawberries.

Once liquid, pour the mixture into the hollowed part of the watermelon.

Now place the watermelon in the refrigerator for about 3 hours to consume it fresh. As soon as you want to drink the beverage, you can also add ice cubes, pieces of fruit such as strawberries and raspberries, and mint.

To sip on the terrace or by the beach !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


On the market the fruit of the moment is watermelon.
So as dessert you will make a watermelon granita.
This freshness is planned for four people with a preparation time of 10 minutes must provide an hour for rest.

For that take a watermelon without glitch it's easier.
a lime
eight mint leaves
four tablespoons cane sugar
800gr of watermelon

Take a large salad bowl cut watermelon roughly keep its juice well. Then add the lemon juice, the cane sugar, the chopped mint leaves.
Mix gently.

Divide into four whiskey glasses made with the green skin of the pumpkin streamers (to be done with a scallop) that you have on the glasses.

Reserve at least an hour in the freezer.
Serve with a straw and put some palms on a plate.

Your guests will certainly taste a drop of beverage with biscuit.
Because it is summer !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Nothing is nicer than a little refreshment with friends by the pool !



1 bottle of pineapple juice. 18 cl of malibu. 6 cl of rum

pomegranate syrup. ice cubes


Place ice in the 6 glasses and pour the pineapple juice up to half.

Add 3 cl of Malibu then 1 cl of rum in each glass.

Finish with a drop of grenadine.

Cocktail Tequila

Per person

6 cl of tequila. 33 cl of orange juice

2 cl of grenadine syrup.

1 slice of orange


Pour the orange juice and tequila into the mixing glass

Fill a tall glass with crushed ice and pour the strained mixture into it.

Pour the grenadine drop by drop using a large spoon. Once the syrup has sunk to the bottom of the glass, stir quickly with a spoon.

Cocktail Ratafia


5 cl of ratafia of champagne.

10 cl of blood orange juice.

1 dash of lime

crushed ice . pomegranate. fine salt


Dip the rim of a highball glass in grenadine, then salt.

Fill it with crushed ice.

Pour in the ratafia, the blood orange juice.

Finish with a dash of lime.

Royal mint cocktail


2 cl of spearmint liqueur.

3 cl of vodka

pink champagne


In a shaker, pour the spearmint liqueur and vodka, shake and pour into the flute. Top with chilled rosé champagne and serve immediately.

Health !!!

Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health. To consume with moderation.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld
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Voici une version étoilée de la plus célèbre soupe froide de tomates au monde, idéale en ce moment de canicule.

La célèbre soupe de tomates, dont on connaît aussi bien la version andalouse que portugaise, fait un tabac à la belle saison. William Ledeuil, chef de Ze Kitchen Gallery, à Paris dévoile sa « soupe de tomates ananas et cerises », sa déclinaison gastronomique de la plus fameuses des soupes froides.

Les ingrédients pour quatre personnes :

-1 kg de tomates ananas

-15 cl d’huile d’olive

-5 cl de vinaigre balsamique blanc

-5 cl de vinaigre de riz

-1⁄2 bâton de citronnelle

-1 cuillerée à café de gingembre frais

-8 cerises noires (type burlat)

-8 cerises jaunes (type napoléon)

-1 cuillerée à soupe de vinaigre de riz

-1 cuillerée à soupe d’huile d’olive

-60 g de crème d’olives noires

-2 tiges d’aneth

-2 tiges de fenouil bronze


1°Coupez les tomates ananas en morceaux, assaisonnez dans un saladier avec l’huile d’olive, le vinaigre balsamique blanc, le vinaigre de riz, la citronnelle émincée, le gingembre haché, la fleur de sel et le poivre.

2°Laissez mariner 30 minutes environ au frais.

3°Détaillez les cerises en quartiers après les avoir dénoyautées.

4° Faites-les mariner 15 minutes à température ambiante, avec 1 cuillerée à soupe de vinaigre de riz et 1 cuillerée à soupe d’huile d’olive.

5°Mixez les tomates, filtrez et réservez 30 minutes au frais.

6°Servez la soupe de tomates en assiettes creuses froides, disposez les quartiers de cerises noires et jaunes, quelques pointes de crème d’olives noires. Parsemez de feuilles d’aneth et de fenouil bronze.

Le chef William Ledeuil.

« Végétal » est publié aux éditions de la Martinière.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Une belle salade composée à déguster bien fraîche .

Ingrédients (4 pers.)

- 3 bulbes de fenouil

- 3 oranges

- 3 endives carmine

- 1 c. à soupe de miel

- 2 c. à soupe d’huile d’olive

- le jus de 1 citron

-4 tranches de truite fumée

-2 c. à soupe d’olives noires

1. Nettoyez, puis coupez la base des bulbes de fenouil et ôtez les feuilles les plus dures, coupez-les ensuite en deux, puis tranchez-les finement en lamelles. Conservez pour le dressage quelques pluches vertes.

2. Pelez les oranges à vif et émincez-les en rondelles fines.

3.Lavez et coupez la base des endives, puis tranchez-les finement.

4. Préparez la sauce en mélangeant le miel, le jus de citron et l’huile d’olive, salez et poivrez au moulin.

5. Dans un saladier, mélangez les différents éléments, ajoutez les olives noires et les tranches de truite fumée effilochées et arrosez de sauce.

Décorez avec quelques pluches de fenouil réservées. Vous pouvez ajouter quelques noisettes torréfiées concassées et servir avec un  Bordeaux ou un Graves blanc.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld

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C'est le temps des salades estivales. Profitons-en

Pour 4 pers.

Préparation : 25 mn  Cuisson : 10 mn


- 500 g de petits pois écossés

-2 poignées de cresson u

-200 g de fraises 125 g de framboises

-1 échalote

- 1 bouquet de menthe

- 100 g de feta

- 2 c. à soupe d’huile d’olive

- 1 c. à café de miel

-1 c. à soupe de vinaigre balsamique


1. Portez à ébullition un grand volume d’eau salée et faites cuire les petits pois 10 mn. Une fois cuits, égouttez-les et passez-les sous l’eau très froide afin de préserver leur couleur. Lavez le cresson à grande eau. Lavez et équeutez les fraises. Pelez et ciselez l’échalote. Lavez et ciselez la menthe.

2. Dans un saladier, versez les petits pois, ajoutez les fraises coupées en rondelles, les framboises, le cresson, la menthe et l’échalote ciselée, puis parsemez de feta émiettée.

3. Versez au moment de servir l’huile d’olive, le vinaigre balsamique et le miel, salez et poivrez au moulin.

Le  plus:  vous pouvez ajouter des pointes d’asperges vertes et des haricots verts.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld

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Profitons des légumes de ce mois de juin avec une bonne tarte salée qui demande à peine 15 minutes de préparation.

Ingrédients pour 6 personnes

-250 g de farine

-1 c. à soupe de thym effeuillé

-100 g de beurre demi-sel à température ambiante

-2 courgettes

-1 oignon rouge

-1/ 2 camembert

-1 oeuf

-20 cl de crème liquide

-2,5 cl d’huile d’olive


  1. Mélangez la farine et le thym dans un saladier. Ajoutez le beurre coupé en dés et commencez à mélanger du bout des doigts. Ajoutez l’huile, puis 5 cl d’eau en continuant à mélanger jusqu’à amalgamer la pâte sans trop la travailler. Laissez-la reposer 1 h au frais.
  2. Sortez la pâte du réfrigérateur. Pelez et émincez l’oignon finement. Lavez et coupez les courgettes en fines lamelles dans la longueur. Coupez le camembert en tranches fines.
  3. Préchauffez le four à 180°/ th. 6. Battez l’oeuf avec la crème, salez et poivrez au moulin. Étalez la pâte et placez la dans un moule à tarte beurré. Versez le mélange crème/ oeuf, puis rangez les lamelles de courgettes en spirale. Intercalez celles d’oignon et de camembert. Parsemez de thym.
  4. Enfournez 45 mn.

    Servez chaud ou tiède avec un petit Beaujolais blanc.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld


The dessert that everyone agrees a homemade FLAN with soft cider.

For 8 people you need 5 minutes of preparation, and 40 minutes of cooking.

For the races

1 puff pastry from the supermarket

1 l of semi-skimmed milk

3 eggs

160 g of sugar

100 g cornflour

2 bags of vanilla sugar

3 teaspoons of vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder

First with your electric whisk, beat the eggs with the cornflour, vanilla extract and 125 ml of milk in a bowl.

Then pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, with vanilla sugar, sugar, vanilla powder.

Bring to a boil. Pour the boiling vanilla sweet milk over the egg mixture while beating (with your electric whisk).

Pour everything back into the saucepan, put back on very low heat and stir with a wooden spatula. Let it cook a few seconds while it thickens a little.

Then pour the mixture on the dough into the mold and bake for 40 minutes at 180 ° c. Put in the refrigerator on a porcelain dish having previously unmoulded. Accompanied by a sweet cider.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


D onc we will make molds in Provencal style.
For this recipe nothing better than going for a ride on the market. Fresh products always stand out with flavors of the Midi.
We need:
1 kg of mussels
2 onions
A branch of celery
A small pot of fresh basil
400 g ripe tomatoes
A clove of garlic
A bouquet garni
Then half a teaspoon of sugar
A tablespoon of olive oil
A tablespoon of tomato paste
First clean the mussels thoroughly.
Then in a large saucepan heat the olive oil with the chopped onions the chopped celery as well as the garlic, basil and bouquet garni. For 5 minutes cook on low heat and add the tomato concentrate sugar a little pepper and salt that will simmer for about twenty minutes.
Finally we add the mussels and there we cook on high heat only and your dish is ready to serve.

I accompany this dish always fries with a good white wine I take a pinot blanc.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld
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Ingrédients :

Une vingtaine d’Asperges • 1orange • 1 avocat et demi • 2 c. à s. d’huile de tournesol • 1 c. à s. de jus de citron vert • 1 c. à c. de zeste de citron vert finement râpé • 1 c. à c. de moutarde • 2 tiges de basilic effeuillées • 45 g de noix de pécan • vinaigre balsamique • sel et poivre.

  1. Peler les asperges et les faire cuire 5minutes dans une grande casserole d’eau frémissante légèrement salée. Les égoutter puis les poser sur du papier absorbant.

    2. Lever les suprêmes d’oranges.

    3. Hacher grossièrement les noix de pécan.

    4. Mixer ensemble la chair d’un avocat, l’huile, le jus de citron, la moutarde, du sel et du poivre.

    5. Couper en tranches la chair du demi-avocat restant et citronner les tranches.

    6. Répartir la crème d’avocat dans les assiettes, déposer les asperges, les suprêmes d’oranges, les tranches d’avocat, les noix de pécan et les feuilles de basilic.

    Puis vous parsèmerez le zeste de citron vert et verserez un filet de vinaigre balsamique avant de déguster.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Volaille de fête par excellence, ce chapon farci fera le délice de tous. Simple de préparation, tout amoureux de la cuisine peut se lancer dans cette recette traditionnelle. Avant de vous en proposer une autre, plus sophistiquée, dans quelques jours...

Ingrédients pour 8 personnes

1 botte de persil

1 gousse d'ail

15 cl de lait

poivre du moulin


1 chapon d'environ 3 kg

1 échalote

1 grosse poignée

de pain

200 g d'épinards frais

50g de Foie gras mi-cuit

1 œuf entier

foie du chapon ou 100 g de foie de lapin (ou de volailles)



Temps total: 2 h 38 min


30 min


1° Ôter les éventuelles plumes restant sur le chapon. Hacher le persil, la gousse d'ail et l'échalote finement.

2° Pocher les épinards 8 min dans de l'eau bouillante salée, et bien les essorer sur du papier absorbant.

3° Tremper rapidement la mie de pain dans le lait et l'émietter grossièrement.

4° Hacher le foie du chapon, couper le foie gras en petits morceaux.

5° Mettre tous les ingrédients dans un grand saladier, y compris l’œuf, saler et poivrer à votre convenance. Bien mélanger, mais surtout ne pas utiliser de mixer, tout doit être haché grossièrement.

6° Préchauffer le four à 180°C (thermostat 6). Farcir le chapon et le coudre. Penser à trouver une âme charitable pour vous aider !

7° Huiler la bête avec un pinceau (ou amoureusement avec les mains); le déposer dans un plat en déposant sur le dessus quelques fines lamelles de beurre

8° Couvrir avec de l'aluminium, et enfourner pour 1 heure de cuisson, en l'arrosant régulièrement et en remettant bien l'aluminium à chaque fois.

9° Au bout d'une heure, ôter l'aluminium, et faire dorer le chapon en le retournant et l'arrosant tous les 1/4 pendant encore 1 heure...

10° Vérifier que le chapon est bien cuit partout, et servir sans attendre accompagné de fagots de haricots verts et d'une cuillerée de farce par personne; et éventuellement de pommes duchesse .

De quoi régaler vos convives pour les fêtes de Noel !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Une recette pour les fêtes de Noel qui approchent à grands pas, à vous mettre les papilles en alerte !

Temps de préparation : 45 min

Ingrédients pour 4 personnes:

- 2 lobes de Foie Gras de Canard déveines (environ 1kg)

- 14 g de sel fin (3 cuillères à café rases)

- 4 g de poivre blanc moulu (1 cuillère à café rase)

- 1 g de sucre semoule (1/3 d'une cuillère à café)

- 2 g d'épices à pain d'épices

Chutney d’oignon :

- 1 oignon jaune

- 10 g de beurre

- 1 dl de fond blanc de volaille

- 20 g de sucre

- 20 cl de vinaigre de cidre

- ½ jus de citron vert

- ½ cuillère à café de poivre blanc.

Croustillant de pain aux céréales :

- ¼ de pain céréales

- 20 g de beurre clarifié.

Figues entières :

- 4 figues violettes

- ½ litre de banyuls

- 10 g de curry

- 10 g de cannelle.

Purée de figues fraîches :

- 2 figues

- 1 petit oignon nouveau.

Finition :

- 10 g de salade Mourons des oiseaux.

Marmelade de figues à l’oignon rouge :

- 2 figues violettes

- 1 petit oignon rouge ciselé

- 15 g de beurre

- 1 cl de vinaigre de Banyuls.

Réalisation de la Terrine :

- Préparer les foies, les assaisonner, les déposer dans une terrine et recouvrir de papier aluminium.

Cuisson :

- Préparer le bain-marie (80 °C env.), y poser la terrine (le niveau d’eau devra atteindre la moitié de la terrine). Placer le tout au four à 90 °C, pour atteindre la température de 60 °C, à cœur. Sortir la terrine du bain-marie et la laisser refroidir à température ambiante pendant ¼ heure puis la déposer dans un bain-marie froid.

La mettre sous légère presse :

poser une planchette avec un poids d’environ 1 kg sur la terrine pour bien extraire la graisse de cuisson, placer au froid durant 12 h. Enlever la presse. Mettre la terrine au réfrigérateur pendant 48 h avant de la servir.

Préparation :

- Cuire les figues entières au four à 90 °C pendant 15 min, arrosées du mélange Banyuls, curry et cannelle préalablement porté à ébullition. Réaliser la marmelade et la purée de figues. Préparer le chutney d’oignon.

Croustillant de pain aux céréales :

Découper de fines tranches de pain en petit cercle. Les mettre sur une plaque antiadhésive et les badigeonner de beurre clarifié. Recouvrir d’une autre plaque et cuire 10 min. dans un four à 140 °C.

Dressage :

- Ouvrir les figues en deux et les garnir de chutney, garnir les croustillants de pain sur 3 épaisseurs. Dresser d’un côté les figues et de l’autre les croustillants, décorer avec le jus des figues et de chutney. Tailler 4 belles tranches de terrine de foie gras et les napper de jus de cuisson des figues. Disposer sur l’assiette et finir avec quelques petits bouquets de mouron des oiseaux.

Régalez-vous !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est que la cuisine marocaine ne manque pas de saveur ni de goût pour émoustiller nos papilles de l’entrée jusqu’au dessert.

Epices, herbes aromatiques, fruits secs ou semoule, pas une mais mille et une recettes existent pour combler nos appétits de gourmands.

La Harira ou soupe marocaine aux pois chiches et tomates

Ingrédients : 6 Pers.

½ L d’eau

2 oignons

3 gousses d’ail

600 g de tomates pelées (en conserve)

400 g de pois chiches (en conserve)

1 bouquet de persil frais

1 c. à soupe d’huile d’olive

½ c. à café de cumin en poudre

½ c. à café de curry en poudre

sel fin et poivre noir du moulin


1)Rincez à l’eau claire et égouttez soigneusement les pois chiches.

2)Epluchez et émincez finement les oignons et les gousses d’ail. Lavez, séchez soigneusement et hachez finement le persil frais.

4)Dans une casserole, faites chauffer l’huile d’olive puis faites-suer l’ail et les oignons émincés avec le cumin et le curry.

5)Ajoutez ensuite les tomates pelées, les pois chiches et le persil haché. Mélangez bien. Versez l’eau puis salez et poivrez à votre convenance.

6)Couvrez votre casserole et laissez mijoter à feu doux pendant 30 min.

7)A la fin de la cuisson, goûtez votre soupe marocaine aux pois chiches et tomates. Rectifiez l’assaisonnement si cela vous semble nécessaire.

Servez votre Harira aussitôt et dégustez-la bien chaude.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld



For the end of the year celebrations, the recipe for gingerbread.

Preparation: 45 minutes

Cooking: 40 minutes

Rest: One night


The cake

- 4 Oz of water

- 0.10 Oz of organic lemon peel

-.0.10 Oz of organic orange peels

- 1.3 Oz of French acacia honey

- 0.10 Oz of French chestnut honey

- 4 Oz of T55 flour

- 0.03 Oz of allspice blend

- 0.2 Oz  of baking soda

- 0.03 Oz of fine salt

- 2.5 Oz of butter


- 5.2 Oz of icing sugar

- 1.4 Oz of lemon juice


- Bring the water and sugar to a boil.

Turn off the heat, add the crushed anise and the zest taken from the peeler.

Film and let infuse for 15 minutes off the heat

- Chinese on the honeys, then bring to 131° F

Sift together the flour, allspice mix, baking soda and salt.

Pour half of the liquid at 131° F over the sifted powders.

Mix with a whisk, without overpowering.

Add the rest of the liquid ingredients slowly

Finish with the melted butter, without emulsifying.

Let stand overnight in the fridge.

Bake at 320° F, ventilated oven, 40 minutes.

Check doneness with the blade of a knife.

For the icing:

- Sift the icing sugar over the lemon juice, mix well.

- Turn out the hot cake on a grid and pour the icing in the pocket or with a ladle.

Enjoy your food

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld
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Le pâtissier français Sébastien Gaudard dévoile à l'occasion de Thanksgiving une version simplifiée de sa tarte au potimarron, à découvrir dans sa boutique de la rue des Martyrs (Paris IX).


Pour une tarte pour 6 convives

- Pâte sucrée

- Crème de potimarron aux épices douces

Pâte sucrée

- 150 grammes de beurre

- 95 grammes de sucre glace

- 30 grammes de poudre d’amandes

- 2 pincées de fleur de sel

- 1 pincée de vanille en poudre

- 1 œuf

- 250 grammes de farine type 5

- Malaxer le beurre pour l’homogénéiser, puis ajouter les ingrédients un à un : le sucre glace, la poudre d’amandes, la fleur de sel, la vanille, les œufs et la farine. Dès que l’on a incorporé cette dernière, mélanger sans trop travailler la pâte, de façon à ce qu’elle soit sablée.

-Stocker au frais sous film alimentaire 1 heure avant utilisation.- Étaler et détailler la pâte à 2 mm d’épaisseur. Découper des disques de pâte de 11 cm de diamètre. Garnir 6 cercles à tartelette de 8 cm de diamètre, piquer le fond avec une fourchette. Mettre au frais minimum 30 minutes pour le repos de la pâte.Préchauffer votre four à 160°C.

-Glisser votre tarte au four 15 minutes. Emballer dans du film alimentaire le reste de la pâte sucrée et la conserver au congélateur.

-Crème de potimarron

-12 grammes de lait entier en poudre ou 2 c à s

- 0,6 dl de crème fleurette

- ½ cuillère à café de fleur de sel

- 80 grammes de sucre semoule

- 1 œuf

- 1 jaune d’œuf

- 260 grammes de purée de potiron (soit 350 g brut environ)

- ¼ de feuilles de gélatine or

- 4 pincées d’épices à pain d’épices

- 2 pincées de cannelle de Ceylan en poudre

- Préchauffer votre four à 180°C.- Cuire le potiron, débarrassé de ses graines, emballé dans du papier aluminium pendant environ 30/40 minutes. Faire tremper la gélatine dans de l'eau froide pendant 15 minutes. Faire infuser les épices dans la crème fleurette tiédie. Essorer la gélatine, puis ajouter tous les ingrédients à la purée de potiron. Vérifier l’assaisonnement, ajuster si nécessaire.

- Cuire 3 minutes à 82/85°C. Une fois cuite, mixer avec un mixeur plongeant pour obtenir une texture la plus lisse possible.

- Faire refroidir dans un bain marie froid rapidement. Réserver au réfrigérateur.


Une fois froid, garnir à l’aide d’une spatule de pâtissier le fond de la tarte avec la crème au potimarron, poudrer d’un peu d’épices à pain d’épices, disposer un bâton de cannelle de Ceylan.

Cette recette est un raccourci de celle que  confectionnée dans les ateliers, plus complexe à réaliser.

LA PÂTISSERIE DES MARTYRS, 22, rue des Martyrs Paris IX.


Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Généreux, crémeux et légèrement vanillé, le flan pâtissier est une ode à la gourmandise. Amoureux de cette pâtisserie depuis son plus jeune âge, Christophe Michalak en dévoile tous ses secrets à Eric Kayser.

Le flan pâtissier c'est l'un des grands classiques de la pâtisserie française, à la fois croustillant et moelleux et à la douce saveur de vanille

Voici la recette du flan pâtissier de Christophe Michalak :

Les ingrédients :

Pour la pâte à sablé basque :

30g de beurre demi-sel (un peu plus pour le graissage du moule)

30g de sucre cassonade

50g de farine T45

5g de levure chimique

Pour la crème :

350g de lait demi-écrémé

100g de crème fraîche

60g de sucre cassonade

30g de maïzena

10g de fleur d’oranger 10g de fleur d’oranger

60g de jaunes d’œufs

1 gousse de vanille

Déroulé :

Laissez le beurre se ramollir hors du frigo. Mettez le beurre mou dans le cul de poule. Ajoutez la cassonade, la levure chimique et la farine.

1° Pétrissez votre pâte de façon à obtenir, tout d’abord, une texture crumble, puis une texture plus compacte. Placez une feuille de papier sulfurisé au fond de votre moule à manqué. Graissez le tour de votre moule avec du beurre ou de l’huile.

2° Placez la pâte au fond de votre moule avec vos doigts (sans trop la compacter). Faites cuire, à blanc, cette pâte pendant 10 minutes à 160°C.

Le flan

1° Versez le lait dans la casserole. Divisez votre vanille en deux et grattez-en les graines avec votre couteau. Ajoutez la crème à cette préparation. Portez à ébullition.

2° Parallèlement, dans votre saladier, mélangez au fouet la cassonade, la fécule, les jaunes d’œufs.

3° Pendant deux à trois minutes jusqu’à ce que mélange pâlisse. Ne fouettez pas pendant trop longtemps.

4° Une fois le lait bouilli, sortez la gousse de la casserole (n’hésitez pas à la mixer pour en faire du sucre vanillé).

5° Versez la moitié de la préparation liquide dans le mélange du saladier. Et mélangez cette nouvelle préparation au fouet.

6° Versez ce dernier mélange dans la préparation restante dans la casserole. Portez à ébullition en mélangeant sans discontinuer. Après l’ébullition, continuez de remuer pendant une minute, la casserole, encore, sur la plaque induction.

7° Hors du feu, ajoutez la fleur d’oranger.

8° Versez la crème sur la pâte précuite aux deux-tiers du moule.

9° Laissez refroidir pendant 30 minutes.

10° Puis enfournez pour 30 minutes à 160°C.

Laissez-vous tenter par un petit morceau, fermez les yeux et retombez en enfance !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Issue du livre « Cuisine » de la cheffe étoilée, voici une recette gourmande et réconfortante pour rentrer dans la saisons des premières gelées.

En attendant l’ouverture début décembre de MAM, la nouvelle adresse de Stéphanie Le Quellec...

Pour 4 personnes ; Préparation : 30 minutes ; Cuisson : 3 heures 30.


- 500 grammes de paleron de bœuf

- 1 joue de bœuf

- 500 grammes de plat de côtes

- 4 beaux os à moelle

- 4 carottes

- 2 poireaux

- ¼ de céleri boule

- 2 grosses pommes de terre

- 1 oignon

- 1 tête d’ail- 3 clous de girofle

- 2 tablettes de bouillon

- 10 grains de poivre

- 1 pincée de gros sel

- Poivre du moulin

- Fleur de sel, sel


- Rincez les viandes sous l’eau courante, puis déposez-les (excepté les os à moelle) dans le fond d’une cocotte-minute ou d’un faitout. Mouillez à l’eau froide une fois et demie la hauteur. Portez à ébullition, les impuretés vont remonter à la surface, baissez alors le feu et écumez (ôtez tout le chapeau d’impuretés).

- Épluchez et lavez tous les légumes (excepté les pommes de terre), ajoutez-les entiers. Ajoutez également l’oignon piqué des clous de girofle, la tête d’ail coupée en deux, les tablettes de bouillon, la poignée de gros sel et les grains de poivre.

- Laissez-cuire à feu doux pendant 3 heures 30 minutes, en écumant soigneusement toutes les 30 minutes. Au bout de 3 heures de cuisson, ajoutez les pommes de terre épluchées et coupées en deux et les os à moelle.

Servez ce pot-au-feu accompagné d’une baguette de pain bien croustillante, d’une moutarde à l’ancienne, de fleur de sel et de poivre.

Le conseil de la cheffe : « Vous pouvez préparer le pot-au-feu plusieurs heures à l’avance, voire la veille, il n’en sera que meilleur »

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Le chef, sacré Champion du monde de la pâtisserie en 2005 , vous offre sa succulente recette de cookies aux trois chocolats, extraite du coffret Christophe Michalak – 20 ans de pâtisserie- Volume Époque Masterclass 2013-2016, éd.Hachette Cuisine.

Cet ambassadeur d’une pâtisserie rock et moderne revient sur ses 20 années de carrière « Fantastik »


100 g de beurre demi-sel

80 g de sucre muscovado

80 g de sucre cassonade

1 œuf

170 g de farine T55

3,5 g de poudre à lever

75 g de chocolat blanc de couverture Satilia à 31 % de cacao

75 g de chocolat au lait de couverture Jivara à 40 % de cacao

75 g de chocolat noir de couverture Guanaja à 70 % de cacao

Pastilles au chocolat au lait Fleur de sel


Préchauffez le four à 190 °C (th. 6-7).

Crémez le beurre pommade avec les sucres.

Ajoutez le reste des ingrédients, sauf les chocolats, sans trop corser la pâte.

Ajoutez enfin les chocolats grossièrement hachés.

Formez des boules de 40 g et de 4 cm de diamètre, puis réservez au frais pendant 1 h.

Disposez les boules de pâte sur une toile Silpat®.

Déposez au-dessus de chacune une pastille de chocolat, saupoudrez de fleur de sel.

Puis enfournez pendant 5 min.

Vous obtiendrez 18 cookies merveilleux à déguster autour d'un thé.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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C'est le duo le plus gourmand de la saison !

Sur une pâte sablée, on verse un mélange à base d’œufs, de sucre, de noix concassées et de beurre, qu’on fait cuire. Après cuisson, on recouvre la tarte de cerneaux de noix, qu’on noie de caramel.

Tarte facile aux noix et miel


Temps de préparation 30 min.

Temps de cuisson 55 min.


pour la pâte . 180 g de farine . 1 cuillère(s) à café de sel . 1 cuillère(s) à café de sucre . 120 g de beurre doux, coupé en petits cubes . à 4 cuillère(s) à soupe d'eau glacée . pour la garniture

. 250 g de cerneaux de noix entières . 125 ml de miel . 2 cuillère(s) à soupe de beurre . 2 gros oeufs . 50 g de sucre . 1 cuillère(s) à café d'extrait de vanille


Versez la farine, le sel et le sucre dans le bol d’un robot, et pulsez quelques minutes pour mélanger. Ajoutez le beurre froid et l’eau.

Pétrissez jusqu’à obtention d’une pâte souple, formez une boule et enveloppez-la d’un film étirable. Réfrigérez 1 h.

Abaissez la pâte sur une surface légèrement farinée, et foncez-en un moule à tarte. Placez le tout au congélateur 20-30 mn.

Préchauffez le four à 180 °C (th. 6). Versez les noix dans une poêle à sec, grillez-les quelques minutes à feu moyen, puis retirez du feu et réservez.

Mélangez dans une casserole le miel et le beurre. Laissez refroidir. Ajoutez le reste des ingrédients.

Versez l’appareil dans le moule à tarte. Faites cuire la tarte pendant 40 à 50 mn.

Laissez refroidir complètement avant de servir.

La gourmandise pour aborder l'automne !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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La purée maison, c’est déjà le bonheur, mais dans sa version patates douces-pois chiches, elle surprend en plus de réconforter.

On mixe ensemble de la patate douce et des pois chiches cuits, avec un peu d’huile de noix.

Purée de pommes de terre et patates douces

Nombre de personnes 6 personnes

Temps de préparation 20 min.

Temps de cuisson 25 min.

Calories 327 cal/pers.


.1 patate douce . 6 pommes de terre . 1 citron vert . 1 noix de gingembre

2 cuillère(s) à soupe de sirop d'agave . poivre du moulin . beurre


Pelez et lavez les légumes, coupez-les en morceaux et faites-les cuire 20 à 25mn dans de l’eau bouillante salée.

Râpez finement le zeste du citron et pressez son jus. Râpez le morceau de gingembre.

Egouttez les légumes, ajoutez un bon morceau de beurre, du poivre, le zeste et le jus du citron, le gingembre râpé, le sirop d’agave et écrasez le tout avec un presse-purée.

On sert avec des fruits secs torréfiées et concassés.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Chef de La Belle Époque, dans le IIe arrondissement de Paris, Mathieu Poirier exécute des classiques de la cuisine bistrot avec la volonté de travailler des produits frais et de saison. Sa carte  se compose de plats réconfortants et typiquement français (poulet-purée, œuf mollet, Paris-Brest).

Il nous livre sa recette autour des Saint-Noix de Saint Jacques de Chausey potimarron, émulsion à la noisette

Par Mathieu Poirier, chef de la Belle Époque

Pour 4 personnes

Ingrédients :

- 16 noix de Saint Jacques de Chausey

- 1 potimarron d’environ 500 grammes

- 1 oignon doux des Cévennes

- 200 grammes de châtaignes cuites

- 1 échalote

- 1 carotte

- 100 grammes de noisettes torréfiées

- 20 centilitres de vin blanc- 20 centilitres de fumet de poisson

- 250 grammes de beurre doux

Préparation :

- Ouvrir, décoquiller et nettoyer les noix de Saint Jacques ; réserver. Frotter les bardes au gros sel, les rincer et les réserver.

- Éplucher et tailler le potimarron en cubes de 2 cm puis émincer l’oignon. Mettre le tout dans une plaque à rôtir avec les châtaignes, un trait d’huile d’olive, du sel et du poivre. Fermer la plaque à rôtir avec de l’aluminium comme une papillote. Mettre au four à 150 degrés pendant 2h. Mixer l’ensemble avec 0,100kg de beurre.

Faire revenir les bardes à l’huile d’olive, ajouter l’échalote, la carotte émincée et les noisettes torréfiées. Déglacer au vin blanc puis mouiller avec le fumet. Laisser cuire une heure puis filtrer. Réduire de moitié et émulsionner au beurre à l’aide d’un mixeur plongeant.

Cuire les Saint-Jacques au beurre. Dans une assiette creuse, mettre une cuillère de purée de potimarron au fond, disposer les Saint-Jacques. Recouvrir le tout de la sauce émulsionnée puis râper une noisette fraîche au dessus.

Un régal des papilles !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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C'est l'une des grandes figures de la pâtisserie française, chef-pâtissier dont on ne se lasse pas de déguster les créations gourmandes. Sur Instagram, Philippe Conticini dévoile la recette de son « cakounet » au chocolat, au cœur fondant.

Ingrédients :

- 100 grammes de chocolat noir 72%

- 50 grammes de chocolat au lait 39%

- 115 grammes de beurre

- 120 grammes d’œufs (ou 2 œufs)

- 55 grammes de sucre semoule

- 45 grammes de farine T55

- 15 grammes de farine de châtaigne

- une pincée de sel

Déroulé :

- Faites fondre les chocolats avec le beurre.

- Pendant ce temps, dans un saladier, battez les œufs avec le sucre puis ajoutez-y les deux farines.

- Ajoutez le chocolat fondu et une pincée de fleur de sel

- Mélangez juste assez pour obtenir une pâte homogène.

- Versez dans un moule à cake beurrée et fariné pour une cuisson
pendant 25 minutes à 160 degré

Vous pouvez le déguster tiède, c’est encore meilleur !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Cyril Lignac dévoile sa renversante recette des pâtes à la carbonara

Chaque soir, dans « Tous en cuisine » (M6), Cyril Lignac concocte en direct de savoureux mets dont lui seul a le secret.

Zoom sur sa recette des pâtes à la carbonara.

A vos tabliers !

Temps de préparation : 15 minutes

Temps de cuisson : 15 minutes

Ingrédients pour 4 personnes

400g de spaghettis fraîches

120g de guanciale

120g de pecorino

80g de parmesan

2 œufs entiers

4 jaunes d’œuf

10g de baies de poivre noir

Coupez le guanciale en lardons. Gardez la couenne et coupez-la en morceaux, elle apportera encore plus de goût à la sauce. Réservez de côté. Démarrez la cuisson dans une sauteuse à froid, laissez cuire à feu moyen pendant 7 minutes. Au terme de la cuisson, retirez à l’aide d’une pince les lardons et déposez-les sur une assiette avec un papier absorbant.

Préparez une casserole d’eau salée à ébullition.

Râpez les fromages à la microplane. Plongez les pâtes en cuisson pendant 4 minutes.

Cassez les œufs entiers dans un saladier et ajoutez les jaunes, battez-les ; ensuite, ajoutez le fromage. Ajoutez une cuil. à café de poivre écrasé.

Dans la sauteuse de gras du guanciale, versez une louche d’eau de cuisson des pâtes, faites bouillir et ajoutez les pâtes cuites à l’aide d’une pince. Faîtes rouler les pâtes en va-et-vient pendant 4 à 5 minutes.

Incorporez le mélange œufs / fromages hors du feu, mélangez pendant 1 minute, puis sur un feu très doux, continuez à mélanger. Ajouter le guanciale croustillant (gardez-en pour le dressage). Continuez à rouler les pâtes 2 à 3 minutes pour les rendre crémeuses et ajoutez du pecorino râpé.

Servez dans les assiettes à l’aide de votre pince à pâtes et d’une grosse louche, puis ajoutez le guanciale croustillant et du pecorino râpé. Merci Cyril !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Voici la recette des lasagnes de légumes au thon de Cyril Lignac (Tous en cuisine, M6)

Temps de préparation : 20 minutes

Temps de cuisson : 15 minutes

Ingrédients pour 4 personnes

5 feuilles de pâte à lasagne sèche cuite à l’eau salée pendant 3 minutes**

1 courgette taillée en longues tranches de 3 mm

½ aubergine taillée en longues tranches de 3 mm

200g de tomates cerises lavées et coupées en deux

300g de thon à l’huile d’olive

300g de sauce tomate ou coulis de tomate ou concassée de tomate

1 gousse d’ail épluchée et dégermée

1 oignon épluché et ciselé

1 pincée de paprika

40g de farine

40g de beurre

50cl de lait entier

125g de parmesan râpé ou un autre fromage râpé

1 morceau de parmesan à râper ou autre fromage râpé Huile d’olive

Sel fin et poivre du moulin

Dans une sauteuse, versez un trait d’huile d’olive, déposez l’oignon et faites-le suer. Ajoutez l’ail, versez la sauce tomate et laissez cuire à feu moyen quelques minutes. Ensuite, versez le thon émietté bien égoutté, le paprika, une pincée de sel, une pincée de poivre. Laissez mijoter pour que le thon soit bien confit. Réservez de côté.

Préchauffez le four à 200°C.

Dans une casserole, déposez le beurre et faites-le fondre. Ajoutez la farine, mélangez et laissez cuire 8 minutes pour faire un roux blond sans coloration. Versez le lait. Ajoutez le parmesan. Mélangez et gardez de côté.

Dans une poêle chaude, versez un trait d’huile d’olive, assaisonnez les tranches d’aubergines de sel fin et cuisez-les.

Dans un plat, déposez une couche d’aubergines puis une couche de thon cuisiné, une couche de pâtes, nappez de béchamel, déposez les courgettes, une couche d’aubergines, de pâtes, nappez de béchamel, déposez les tomates cerises et parsemez de parmesan râpé.

Déposez au four 15 à 20 minutes pour que le plat se compote et grille légèrement sur le dessus.

** Si vous avez des pâtes fraîches pour le montage de vos lasagnes, pas besoin de les cuire à l’avance, vous pouvez les mettre crues, directement dans le montage des lasagnes.

Dégustez en famille ou avec des amis avec un bon vin italien

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Chef Pâtissier du palace parisien Le Meurice, Crédit Grolet aime réaliser des desserts simples. À l'instar de ces flans feuilletés, mis à l'honneur dans le second livre du chef, « Opéra », paru en 2019

Pour 20 petits flans (ou 4 gros flans)

Préparation : 1h10

Cuisson : 25 minutes

Repos : 1 heure

Ingrédients :

Pâte à brioche feuilletée :

- 825 grammes de farine T45

- 12 grammes de sel fin

- 50 grammes de sucre semoule

- 150 grammes d’œufs entiers

- 300 grammes de lait

- 75 grammes de levure

- 75 grammes de beurre pommade- 450 grammes de beurre de tourage

Flan :

- 200 grammes de beurre

- 2 kilogrammes de lait

- 10 gousses de vanille de Madagascar

- 25 grammes de grains de vanille

- 360 grammes de sucre

- 400 grammes d’œufs entiers

- 200 grammes de poudre à crème


Pâte à brioche feuilletée :

Mettez la farine avec le sel, le sucre semoule, les œufs, le lait et la levure dans la cuve du batteur muni du pétrin. Mélangez en première vitesse jusqu’à l’obtention d’une pâte homogène, puis en seconde vitesse jusqu’à ce que la pâte se décolle des parois. Incorporez le beurre pommade et pétrissez de nouveau jusqu’à l’obtention d’une pâte homogène. Couvrez-la d’un torchon humide, puis laissez pointer à température ambiante (24 à 25°C) pendant 1 heure.

Dégazez en travaillant la pâte à la main. Puis étalez-la selon la largeur du beurre de tourage et le double de sa longueur. Placez-la au congélateur pendant 5 minutes, puis au réfrigérateur pendant 15 minutes.

Déposez le beurre de tourage au milieu de la pâte, recouvrez-le avec le bord de la pâte de chaque côté. Placez le beurre apparent face à vous. À l’aide d’un rouleau à pâtisserie, réalisez un tour double : étalez de bas en haut jusqu’à obtenir une épaisseur d’environ 7 millimètres. Tracez une légère marque de repère au milieu de la pâte, repliez le haut sur ce milieu et le bas également, puis pliez de nouveau la pâte en deux comme un portefeuille. Laissez reposer 10 minutes au réfrigérateur. Enfin, faites un tour simple : étalez la pâte sur 1 centimètre d’épaisseur, pliez le haut sur un tiers de la pâte puis le bas sur le haut. Abaissez directement sur une épaisseur de 3,5 millimètres.un tiers de la pâte puis le bas sur le haut. Abaissez directement sur une épaisseur de 3,5 millimètres.

Flan :

Dans une casserole, faites bouillir le lait avec les gousses de vanille entières (fendues et grattées), puis mixez le tout avec un mixeur plongeant. Versez sur le mélange œufs, sucre et poudre à crème. Faites cuire jusqu’à ébullition. Retirez alors du feu, ajoutez le beurre et les grains de vanille. Mixez.

Finitions et cuisson : Préchauffez le four à 180°C. Garnissez de pâte chaque cercle beurré et sucré, faites dépasser la pâte du moule, puis versez-y la préparation du flan. Avec un couteau d’office, retirez les bords qui dépassent irrégulièrement du moule. Enfournez et laissez cuire 25 à 30 minutes

Vous épaterez vos amis !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld


B ig Mamma never ceases to delight our taste buds and to share with us his famous recipes nothing better than the book "La Cucina di Big Mamma" published by Phaidon.

Here are the famous Bolognese lasagna, to be made from the recipe book

For the Bolognese:

- 7 Oz of ground pork

- 7  Oz of ground beef

- 3.5 Oz of ground veal

- 5 tablespoons of olive oil

- 1 finely chopped yellow onion

- 3 celery stalks diced 1 carrot cut into thin slices

- 3.3 fl oz of red wine

- 2.2 Livre of tomato sauce

- 2 sprigs of rosemary

- The leaves of a bouquet of sage, some bay leaves, for decoration, salt and freshly ground pepper

For the béchamel:

- 3.5 Oz of butter

- 3.5 Oz of flour type 00

- 50 fl of hot milk

- 1 tablespoon grated nutmeg

- 2.2 Livre of pasta dough

- 7 Oz of grated parmesan


Prepare the bolognese:

in a large skillet, sear the meat in 2 tablespoons of olive oil for 10 minutes over high heat. Reserve. In a saucepan, heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat and brown the onion for 5 minutes. Add the celery and carrot and continue cooking for 8 minutes. Add the meat and mix well.

Deglaze with the red wine and cook for 5 minutes on high heat, until the liquid has completely evaporated. Add the tomato sauce, salt and pepper. Add the rosemary sprigs and sage leaves and simmer for about 2 hours over low heat. Remove the branches of rosemary and the sage leaves.

Prepare the béchamel: in a saucepan, melt the butter for 5 minutes over low heat, then add the flour. Mix well to obtain a roux. Add the milk and nutmeg, then continue cooking for 15 minutes over low heat, continuing to mix. Reserve.

Preheat the oven to 300 ° F (th. 5). Take the dough out of the fridge. On a floured work surface, spread the dough 1mm thick and cut it into sheets the size of the baking dish.

In a rectangular baking dish, place a layer of dough, add a layer of bolognese, a layer of béchamel and sprinkle with parmesan. Repeat this step 5 times. Keep 8 tablespoons of béchamel for dressing. Bake for 45 minutes.

Arrange on individual plates by adding 2 tablespoons of béchamel and 2 bay leaves on each part.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


The pastry chef Yann Couvreur introduces us to one of these gourmet recipes the most appreciated in luxury hotels.

For the crunchy praline:

2,5 Oz coconut powder

3,2 Oz chocolate lace pancakes

2,1 Oz hazelnuts

1 pinch of fleur de sel

For the milk chocolate mousse:

7,9 Oz coconut milk

4,4 Oz milk chocolate

6,7 Oz dark chocolate

1 egg yolk

5 egg whites

2,6 g sugar


1 ° Roast by spreading the coconut powder on a baking sheet at 338 °F for 6 minutes. Then the hazelnuts for 18 minutes.

2 ° Set aside about 0,14 Oz of roasted coconut powder for dressing. Mix the rest with the hazelnuts, the fleur de sel and the chocolate Gavottes.

3 ° Roll out the dough between a silicone mat and a sheet of baking paper (about 0,20" thick) then store in the freezer for at least 20 minutes so that it hardens.

4 ° Whisk the egg whites then add the sugar. Heat the coconut milk then make a ganache by pouring it over the slightly melted chocolates. Mix with the maryse then add the egg yolk. You have to get a smooth texture.

5 ° Whisk in the whipped egg whites and gently finish with a spatula.

6 ° For the dressing, pour a layer of foam in the bottom of a container, add a layer of praline crunchy previously detailed, perform this operation a second time then finish with a layer of foam. Finish by sprinkling with the rest of the roasted coconut powder. Let cool for 3 hours.

You can taste !!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Ingrédients for 6 people.

-12 white asparagus

-1,5 Oz  butter

-1 Oz flour

--6;7 fl Oz of milk

-3,5 Oz Roquefort


Rinse the asparagus and remove the hard base.

Peel the white asparagus 1,2 pouces below the bud.

Steam them for 15 minutes and cut them into sections.

Heat the butter in a small saucepan, when it starts to melt, stir in the flour. Cook to form a white roux. Gradually dissolve the milk and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Add 3,5 Oz crumbled blue cheese.

Divide the asparagus into individual buttered gratin dishes.

Coat with cheese sauce and bake 10 min in the oven preheated to  356 ° F. (th. 6).

Enjoy your meal !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Ingrédients for 4 people.

-14 Oz macaroni

-12 Oz of tomato pulps

-1,5 Oz black olives

-1 tsp. capers

-2 chopped garlic cloves

5,5 Oz diced goat cheese.


Cook the macaroni in boiling salted water. Allow 8 min for cooking. Drain them.

Mix them with the tomato pulp, the pitted and chopped black olives, the capers, the chopped garlic and the diced goat cheese.

Pour into an oiled dish.

Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.

Brown in the tea oven. 7 (410 ° F) 15 min.

An easy and quick family dish to cook that will delight your little tribe.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



Gourmet dessert for excellence, we offer you the soft chocolate revisited by pastry chef Christophe Michalak.


2,2 Oz of semi-salted butter

2,6 Oz of 70% dark chocolate or other

2,8 Oz of unrefined brown, blonde Vergeoise sugar, rapadura or muscovado sugar, or even brown sugar (for more taste)

1 Oz of flour or cornstarch or starch

2 eggs


In a saucepan, melt the butter and the chopped chocolate.

Add the sugar, flour and eggs to a container, mix well with a whisk.

Place in a previously buttered and floured dish (so that the softness does not stick to the dish).

Reserve one hour in the fridge, then cook 8-10 min at 357°F.

Let stand for 20 minutes, sprinkle (or not) with icing sugar and cocoa powder, prepare a nice quenelle of cold cream (flavored with orgeat syrup, Malibu, vanilla or plain), and sprinkle with cocoa nibs At the last moment, make a small bitter chocolate sauce (1,7 Oz of boiled water + 1,7 Oz of chopped dark chocolate).

The ultimate in this dessert is to serve it lukewarm (it should be runny in the center), and to serve the cream very cold ... The temperature contrast will explode in the mouth and give you intense emotion !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


For 4 people

1 bunch of fine green asparagus

80 g thinly sliced ​​coppa

1 piece of parmesan

Olive oil

Balsamic vinegar

Raw green asparagus in sections of about 2 cm (no need to peel them!), Set the tips apart.

In a hot pan, brown the asparagus sections in a little olive oil over high heat.

After 5 min, add the coppa, cut into strips and the asparagus tips.

Continue cooking 5-10 min (asparagus must remain crunchy)

Deglaze with balsamic vinegar and divide among the plates.

Enjoy your meal !!

Marie-Chantal Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



Fine couscous seed

1 shoulder of lamb

2 onions

4 turnips

2 carrots per person

4 celery stalks

2 zucchini

1 sweet pepper


crushed garlic

Juniper berries

1 clove

olive oil

1 and a half tablespoons of tomato puree


ras el-hanout

sweet paprika



salt pepper


Make a broth with all the vegetable peelings. In the seed, pour a tablespoon of olive oil, half a teaspoon of turmeric, mix. Drown the seed with the broth, let the water protrude by half a centimeter, cover the bowl and let stand.

Cook the chopped onions in the tomato puree, stirring constantly to add air to the sauce. Add the shoulder of lamb then two tablespoons of raz al hanout, a tablespoon of paprika, a teaspoon of turmeric, a teaspoon of cumin, half a teaspoon of black pepper, a little spoon of salt. Lightly moisten the meat with the broth while it soaks up the spices.

Drain the semolina with a fork. After twenty minutes of cooking add the vegetables: first the carrots and turnips, then when they become tender, the fennel, zucchini, celery and sweet peppers. Finally add parsley and chickpeas.

Place the couscous on the seed, sprinkle with the juice and let stand for ten minutes.

An orgy of Mediterranean flavors !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


A family pasta dish with meatballs revisited with a southern "Meridionale" twist.

For 4 people.


800 g rigatoni

200 g minced meat

500 g cherry tomatoes

4 onions

6 garlic cloves

4 sprigs of thyme, 4 of rosemary and a few bay leaves

40 g basil sugar

100 g black olives

two eggplant

parmesan cheese

herbs from Provence

Prepare the tomato sauce:

Chop an onion and a clove of garlic.

Brown them in olive oil, with thyme, bay leaf and rosemary.

Add sugar, let caramelize.

Add the halved cherry tomatoes.

Salt and pepper.

Cook over low heat. Mix the tomato sauce.


Cut the eggplant into small cubes, then brown them in olive oil with a clove of garlic, thyme and rosemary.

Season with salt and pepper.

Then, once the preparation is colored, put in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 ° C.

Prepare the beef balls:

In a bowl, mix the ground beef with a clove of minced garlic, Provence herbs, chopped onion.

Salt and pepper.

Make medium-sized dumplings, then flour them.

Brown them in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil and finish cooking in the oven at 180 degrees.

For sure your little family will enjoy !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


As you know, we are currently going through a complicated period. In a period of confinement, take advantage of it to learn a bit about health, especially in terms of food to effectively boost our immune defenses.

It is obviously first of all to take care of your lifestyle, by adopting simple and basic rules, too often neglected: get enough sleep, practice a sporting activity - even at home and without equipment! - bring the sun in your inside…

And as everyone knows, health is also on the plate, we shop with discernment.

So turn to vitamin A and vitamin C, but also probiotics: garlic, onions, nuts, asparagus, legumes, red fruits or parsnips.

Use turmeric to sprinkle on dishes or add to soups. Ginger tea also boosts our immune defenses.

For the infusion boil water with pieces of ginger, pour the infused water into a cup, add a few drops of lemon and a teaspoon of honey, and you will get a comforting drink.

And fall for fresh fruit and vegetable juices, provided you have a juicer, and your fruits and vegetables are in season!

Eat well, eat better .... !!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


A good dish of noble fish easy to cook


Smoked trout

Ratte potatoes

Raw cream

An onion


100 g buckwheat flour

200 g butter

300 g of water


1) Cook the potatoes in well salted water, thoroughly for 20 minutes. Chop the onion and parsley, mix with the cream, whisk. Pepper, salt.

2) For the buckwheat tile, mix flour, water and butter, pour the dough into the bottom of a pan, allow to brown.

3) Cut the potatoes, dress them on the cream, then the smoked trout, a few pieces of tile and finally parsley leaves for decoration.

To be tasted if necessary with a French Sauternes white wine or French Monbazillac vhite more cheap....

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



-400g Pasta (shellfish or gnocchi)

-500g Green asparagus

-100g Grated Parmesan

-4 egg yolks

-25g Butter

-1cuil. Oil




1) Peel the asparagus, rinse them and drain them

2) Cut the points and put them aside. Cut the stems into 2 in to 4 in pieces.

3) Immerse the stems in boiling salted water and let them cook for 15 to 20 min: they should become tender. Drain them .

Melt the butter in a frying pan over very low heat, and put the asparagus stems in it to cook gently, until they puree.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta in 3 l of salted water and added oil. Follow the package directions for cooking time.

At the same time, immerse the asparagus tips in boiling salted water and cook for about 10 min.

Once the asparagus stems have melted well in the butter, add the egg yolks and Parmesan cheese off the heat. Mix and loosen the sauce a little with 1 or 2 tsp. pasta cooking water. Keep warm in the serving dish.

Drain the pasta and asparagus tips as soon as they are cooked.

Mix them in the sauce and serve immediately.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


It's a typical Italian dish very easy to make but which requires a little time if you want fresh pasta in the rules of art.

For 4 people

Fresh pasta:

-200 grams of flour.

-1 whole egg

-2 egg yolks

-Salt, water

Work the flour and eggs, until you get a homogeneous ball.

Then pass the dough to the rolling mill.

The pistou:

-A bunch of basil

-Two cloves of garlic

-20 grams of parmesan

-15 cl olive oil

First mix the solid elements, then gently incorporate the olive oil.

Cook the pasta for 1 to 2 minutes.

Add the pistou apart with a little cooking water.

Make with parmesan shavings.

An ideal family dish to accompany an Aosta ham.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



Big classic rand kitchens, the burger is one of the recipes for children and adults during comforting confinement.


For 4 pers

-4 burger buns with seeds

-400 gr of ground beef steak

-10 gr chopped garlic

-1/5 bunch of parsley

-Espelette pepper

-salt pepper

-15 cl olive oil


- 4 organic carrots

- celeriac

-20 gr of candied tomatoes

-200 gr of fries

-1/2 liter of frying oil

-60 gr of green salad

-10 gr of light mayonnaise

-5 gr of soy sauce

-5 gr of ketchup

-40 gr of mustard sauce for the side salad


Put the beef, garlic and chopped parsley, salt and pepper, Espelette pepper and olive oil in a bowl. Mix the ingredients well and shape the steaks into 4 identical portions. Peel and wash the carrots and celery, then cut them very finely into juliennes. Wash the green salad.

The tomato confit can be bought at home with 5 tomatoes.

Prepare a mayonnaise for the burger with 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 10cl of oil, 50 gr of fromage blanc, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, salt and pepper. Add a little soy sauce or ketchup.

Cook the steaks in a pan. Season the salad with the mustard, olive oil, salt water and pepper vinaigrette.

Assemble the burgers between the buns with the meat, the garnish (carrots, celery, baby spinach and tomato confit) and the sauce.

Serve with fries and salad separately and enjoy.

A moment of family gustatory conviviality  !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Chocolat French Pie

In this Easter Monday, we suggest you cook a delicious chocolate pie.


For the chocolate cream:

200g chocolate

200g of cream

80g milk

1 egg

For the dough:

250g of flour

125g butter

5g of salt.

Chocolate cream

Melt the chocolate in the cream. Add the milk and beaten eggs.


Mix the flour, salt and butter cut into pieces quickly. Bowl and let stand 30min. Spread directly in the pie ring. The dough should be very crumbly. Bake in the oven at 170 ° C for 20 minutes.


Pour the chocolate cream into the baked pie and bake at 120 ° for about 20 minutes. Let stand at temperature without returning to the fridge.

Enjoy with a good coffee or tea !!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


They are delicious, crisp, and give us a good dose of comfort in one bite.

And in this period of confinement, we really need it!


100 g soft butter

100 g brown sugar

2 eggs

100 g dark chocolate pastry

30 g whole hazelnuts

125 g wheat flour

100 g buckwheat flour

½ sachet of baking powder

1 tablespoon Rum

1. Mix the butter with the brown sugar, then add the eggs while whisking. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.

2. Crush the chocolate and hazelnuts, add them to a mixture of the two flours and the yeast. Add everything to the previous preparation, add a tablespoon of Rum and mix, working the dough by hand.

3.Form pasta balls about 4 cm in diameter. Place them in staggered rows on a baking sheet lined sheet

.4 Bake for 15 minutes and allow to cool before enjoying.

Treat yourself !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


It's avocado season so you can eat it as much as you want.

Here is a recipe full of flavors very simple to prepare.

For 6 persons

Cooking: 6 min


4 avocados

3 limes

2 dried bird peppers



4 chicken breast cutlets

3 tablespoons olive oil

½ bunch coriander

2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds

-Peel and cut the avocados into large pieces. Mash them with a fork and add the juice of 2 squeezed lemons, crushed peppers and salt.

-Cut the chicken into strips before seasoning and brown them in a pan with the oil. Turn them over after three minutes to grill them on the other side.

-Serve the grilled aiguillettes on the avocado puree sprinkled with coriander leaves. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and dress the last lemon cut into quarters.

The 100% soft version:

Instead of the chili pepper, you can add smoked paprika and a pinch of ground cumin.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


In a stove, it's super simple, and at the table, it's delicious !

But first let's do our market.

For 6 persons


400 g button mushrooms

1 small leek

15 g butter

Salt . Freshly ground pepper

750 g spaghetti

10 cl of white wine

40 cl whole heavy cream

600 g smoked salmon

600 g shelled shrimp

2 sprigs of flat parsley

Cut the stems off the mushrooms before washing and then slicing them. Clean and chop the leek. Sauté everything for 6 to 8 minutes in a pan with the butter, without forgetting to season with salt and pepper.

Dip the spaghetti in a pot of boiling salted water for 5 to 7 minutes (al dente cooking). Deglaze the vegetables with the white wine, reduce and add the cream.

Drain the pasta and mix it with the sauce. Serve generously on a plate. Scatter the sliced ​​salmon, shrimp and sprinkle with parsley.

Serve in a pretty dish with a white Bandol wine.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


For 6 people you will need :

- 500g canned chickpeas

- 2 boxes of tuna in olive oil

- 3 shallots

- Fresh dill

- 1 lemon

- Salt of Guerande

- Pepper

- Olive oil

- Black olive

- Canned corn

- Colorful peppers


Pass the cooked chickpeas through a colander and drain.

Place the cold chickpeas in a bowl.

Chop the shallots and dill, sprinkle with lemon juice and olive oil, season with salt and pepper.

Separately, crumble the tuna, salt, pepper, lemon. At the last moment, add and mix the tuna with chickpeas, add, if you wish, black olives, corn and colored peppers. Be careful if you are missing an ingredient you can do without!

Serve, it's happiness on the plate !!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


As you know, we are currently going through a complicated period. In a period of confinement, take advantage of it to learn a bit about health, especially in terms of food to effectively boost our immune defenses.

It is obviously first of all to take care of your lifestyle, by adopting simple and basic rules, too often neglected: get enough sleep, practice a sporting activity - even at home and without equipment! - bring the sun in your inside…

And as everyone knows, health is also on the plate, we shop with discernment.

So turn to vitamin A and vitamin C, but also probiotics: garlic, onions, nuts, asparagus, legumes, red fruits or parsnips.

Use turmeric to sprinkle on dishes or add to soups. Ginger tea also boosts our immune defenses.

For the infusion boil water with pieces of ginger, pour the infused water into a cup, add a few drops of lemon and a teaspoon of honey, and you will get a comforting drink.

And fall for fresh fruit and vegetable juices, provided you have a juicer, and your fruits and vegetables are in season !

Emily Jackson for DayNewsWorld



Traditional French cuisine of Lyonnaise for Mardi Gras , Bugnes

The Bugnes are delicious, easy and quick to make !

To prepare fluffy dunes, here is the recipe:

Number of people 8

Preparation time 20 minutes

Cooking time 15 minutes

Degree of difficulty Very easy

Cheap Cost


500 g sifted flour

200 g of soft butter

6 eggs

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

the zest of an untreated lemon or two teaspoons of lemon juice

1 generous soup picking rum

75 g caster sugar

1 pinch of fine salt

frying oil

icing sugar

Proceed in this way

Remove the butter from the cold 1 hour before to soften.

In a large salad bowl, mix flour, powdered sugar, salt and yeast.

Make a well, and split the butter

Put it in the well and gradually slide the flour on while mixing.

Make a hollow, break it, one by one, the eggs and mix each time

Add the rum at the end.

Grate the zest of the washed and dried lemon (or two teaspoons of lemon juice), mix again.

Collect a ball in the bowl, cover with a cloth and leave 3 hours in a cool corner but not in the fridge.

Then divide the dough into 8 pieces that you put on a lightly floured board. Spread each dough in rectangle or square.

Cut with a wheel the shapes you want: rectangles, triangles, squares, diamonds, ribbons, everything except circles.

Cover the cut-outs with a large clean cloth until frying.

Heat a good amount of oil, pastries must cook without interference.

When they are golden blond on all sides, remove them without waiting on paper towels.

Sprinkle generously with icing sugar and serve immediately before they cool.

Have a good meal !!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Grande traditionnel de la cuisine lyonnaise pour Mardi Gras, les Bugnes

Les Bugnes sont délicieuses, faciles et rapides à réaliser !!

Pour préparez des bugnes moelleuses à souhait voici la recette

Nombre de personnes8

Temps de préparation20 minutes

Temps de cuisson15 minutes

Degré de difficultéTrès facile

Coût Bon marché


500 g de farine tamisée

200 g de beurre mou

6 œufs

1/2 sachet de levure chimique

le zeste d'un citron non traité ou deux cuillere à café de jus de citron

1 cuilliere à soupe généreuse de rhum

75 g de sucre en poudre

1 pincée de sel fin

huile de friture

sucre glace


Sortez le beurre du froid 1 h avant pour qu'il se ramollisse.

Dans une grande saladier, mélangez farine, sucre en poudre, sel et levure.

Faites un puits,et fractionnez le beurre

Déposez-le dans le puits et, peu à peu, faites glisser la farine dessus tout en malaxant.

Refaites un creux, cassez-y, un par un, les œufs et mélangez à chaque fois

Ajouté le rhum à la fin.

Râpez dessus le zeste du citron lavé et séché (ou deux cuillère à café de jus de citron) , mélangez encore.

Ramassez en boule dans la jatte, couvrez d'un linge et laissez 3 h dans un coin frais mais pas au réfrigérateur.

Partagez ensuite la pâte en 8 morceaux que vous posez sur une planche légèrement farinée. Étalez chaque pâton en rectangle ou en carré.

Taillez avec une roulette les formes que vous voulez : rectangles, triangles, carrés, losanges, rubans, tout sauf des cercles.

Couvrez les découpes d'un grand linge propre jusqu'au moment de les frire.

Chauffez une bonne quantité d'huile, les pâtisseries doivent cuire sans se gêner.

Lorsqu'elles sont d'un blond doré sur toutes leurs faces, retirez-les sans attendre sur du papier absorbant.

Poudrez généreusement de sucre glace et servez-les aussitôt avant qu'elles ne refroidissent.

Bonne Appétit


From our origins… A knife blade heated over a wood fire, a cheese wheel that we “scrape” over the plate… From the Middle Ages, shepherds feasted on what we still called "Roast cheese", with potatoes cooked in the ashes. The name raclette appeared in the 19th century. Since then, the specialty has gone around the world. It is even found in New York, in the East Village, where a restaurant serves it on the spot or to take away, garnished with a potato and grilled vegetables.

Know that there is not one but raclette cheeses, according to the geographical origin (Switzerland, Savoy, Franche-Comté…) and the taste variation (smoke, pepper, mustard, white wine, herbs ...). So vary the pleasures and close the shutters if a purist goes there: Mozzarella, reblochon, sheep, camembert, Auvergne blue, emmental, morbier ... They are to melt, too!

Which potato to choose for the raclette ?

The star of the raclette is the potato. Traditionally cooked in water, its flesh must be firm to hold well when cooked.

“Steamed, browned” potatoes, such as Amandine, Annabelle, Cheyenne, Gourmandine, Charlotte, Chérie, Juliette, Ratte or Pompadour, will be your distinguished guests.

Count about 200 g of cheese per person (the equivalent of 7 slices) and 3 or 4 potatoes depending on their size. Without forgetting the pork-butchery - if you are not Swiss -, the pickles, the white wine of Savoy or Fendant of Valais Switzerland which remain essential. .

The recipe for 4 people:

800 g raclette cheese

12 medium-sized potatoes

4 slices of ham

4 slices of raw ham

12 pickles

4 slices of Grisons meat

Cut strips of cheese about 5 mm thick and 5 cm wide. Place them in the serving dish. Put all the charcuterie in another dish. Put the pickles in a small ramekin.

Wash the potatoes and cook them in steam or boiling water. It only remains to sit at the table, to melt your cheese via the raclette machine and to pour or not on the potatoes. Serve with charcuterie and pickles.

What about vegetables ?

Raw or cooked, they bring colors and flavors to the raclette. Remember to offer them in good proportions. They will allow your guests to alternate between luscious dishes (cheese, cold meats, etc.) and lighter, and enrich the taste palette of the meal. Suggest in cups, slices, sticks or strips, onion, carrot, leek, fennel, mushroom, broccoli

Think of the green salad that goes so well with cheese. Sprinkle it with aromatic herbs (basil, coriander, parsley, chives ...) to bring a fresh and invigorating note to the meal.

Turn on your raclette machine 3 minutes before going to the table.

Gather all the ingredients at the table and let your guests do it !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Under the shock. The Auberge de Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or (Rhône), founded by Paul Bocuse, who died two years ago, has held three Michelin stars since 1965 without interruption.

It has lost its third star, and will only have two more as of the publication of the Michelin Guide on January 27.

"L'Auberge du Pont de Collonges", located near Lyon, on the banks of the Saône, has held three stars continuously since 1965.

After the demotions of Marc Veyrat, Marc Haeberlin and Pascal Barbot last year, it is now the turn of the restaurant "L'Auberge du Pont de Collonges", founded by Paul Bocuse, who died two years ago, to be downgraded by the Michelin guide.

Modernization efforts, "tradition in motion" as defined by the management teams of this institution, will therefore not have been enough.

"The chefs worked and reworked the dishes, they refined them for more than a year, making them evolve while retaining their DNA, their original taste", explained to Le Progrès Vincent Le Roux, general manager, a few days ago .

For example, the presentation of the whole lobster is more contemporary, the lighter dumpling accompanied by a champagne sauce.

Major renovations are also nearing completion and the restaurant must reopen after three weeks of closure, on January 24, three days before the official release of the new Michelin Guide.

With the loss of this star, "it is the whole Bocuse d'Or family who expresses their sadness and their renewed respect for the work of Mr. Paul", reacted Olivier Ginon, president of the GL events group who recalls "the contribution of Paul Bocuse to world cuisine, its cultural and heritage imprint ”.

“It is an institution, it is a French heritage, it is France. We shot an arrow in France, "said chef Marc Veyrat.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


My grandmother made me a delicious sauerkraut. So I will share his recipe with you.

You need two good hours.

Here is the list of races for four guests.

1 kilo of sauerkraut

1 onion piqued with 2 cloves

1 spoon of lard

10 grains of juniper

1 bay leaf

350 grams of smoked bacon

350 grams of pallet

4 sausages from Strasbourg

350 grams of potatoes

25 cl white wine

Start by rinsing the sauerkraut put half in a low heat oven

Put the smoked bacon, the palette, cover with sauerkraut, lard, garlic, juniper, bay leaf and onion.

Add the white wine and let simmer for an hour.

Put the potatoes to cook an hour previously peeled.

To finish add the sausages and cook for ten minutes. Serve hot in a silver dish with lid to keep warm on your table.

Plan cool lager beer to accompany him. Plan a country table and give the theme to your guests to prevent them from landing in Chanel suit. Allow the men exceptionally the wearing of jeans with shirt without tie.

It is a meal that goes very well after a hunt.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


The fashion is at snacking, my friend told me! So be it!

For four people you will make a grilled cheese sandwich, a toast lawyer at the Cyril Lignac, and then croissants with camembert.

-a packet of bread toast


-a packet of cheddar slices

-two lawyers



-Espelette pepper

-four croissants

-a Camembert

For the grilled cheese sandwich

Heat a frying pan and add a knob of butter, add four slices of toast, put on each slice of cheddar and cover with toast. Grill two minutes on each side and serve hot. Put the toasts in a nice silver dish and live at the table.

For the avocado toast

Toast four loaves of bread and place them in four small plates. Remove the avocado skin and cut in half, removing the stones. Take half of each avocado, cut into strips and crush each toast. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with Espelette pepper.

For camembert croissants

Cut croissants in half lengthwise. Heat your thermostat oven seven then put on grill position. Cut thin strips of camembert and stuff the crescents with bake on a plate protected by a sheet of aluminum foil. Put them in the oven for two minutes and they are ready to put on a nice porcelain dish and at the table.

You can accompany your snacking with either squeezed orange juice, a good tea or an excellent champagne.

Marie-Chantal de  Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


This is the season of persimmon, this beautiful fruit from China, present in Europe for centuries. So let's go to the market for dessert with sweet kaki salad

For 4 people, you will need

2 soft mushrooms

2 tablespoons pomegranate molasses (in oriental grocery stores)

4 tablespoons fresh pomegranate seeds

400 g Greek yogurt or cottage cheese

15 fresh mint leaves

The juice of a small lemon

Dip the mint leaves in the lemon juice and gently massage them with your fingers. You will have the impression that there is too much lemon, and that's very good: you must precisely over-season the mint, so that it gives pep.

Let macerate for five minutes, then prepare the rest: cut the persimmons in half and empty them with a spoon, as you would do for a lawyer. Keep the pulp aside.

Prepare each bowl with two tablespoons of yoghurt, then a few pieces of persimmon pulp, then a spoonful of pomegranate seeds.

Remove the mint leaves from the lemon juice and divide them in each bowl. Keep the juice: add the two spoons of pomegranate molasses, mix your sauce and pour one or two spoons on each bowl.

That's ready !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Strawberry Clafouti

You will make a dessert with the latest strawberries.

For the market you have to take

500 g strawberries

40 g of sugar

90 g of flour

3 eggs

20 cl of milk

½ sachet of baking powder

2 tablespoons of oil

Preheat your thermostat oven 7

Steam the strawberries cut in four. In a salad bowl, mix the sugar, the flour, the milk, the eggs and the yeast bag. Then finish with the strawberries. And pour everything into a previously buttered mold. Then bake about thirty minutes.

And it's ready, you can serve it in the kitchen dish but put it on a nice placemat and as nectar take a champagne iced.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld
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Les moules à la bière !

Vous venez de rentrer alors pas le temps de faire des recettes compliquées.

Pour cette recette vous avez besoin de 10 minutes pas plus.

Pour quatre convives vous avez besoin:

2 litres de bière personnellement je la prends chez mon caviste comme cela c'est de l'artisanal

10 cl de crème fraîche épaisse

2 gousses d'ail

1kl 5 de moules déjà nettoyées sinon vous devez les gratter avant

quelques tiges de ciboulette

Dans une grande poêle mettre sur feu vif les gousses d'ail hachées en tout petit préalablement, juste quelques secondes pour les dorer.

Puis  jetez-y les moules que vous avez juste rincé avec deux grands verres de bière sur feu vif deux minutes. Incorporez-y la crème puis ciselez au dessus la ciboulette.

Laissez mijoter une minute c'est prêt.

Personnellement je les fait porter à table servies par assiette plutôt que dans un saladier je trouve cela plus classe moins cantine.

Je sers comme accompagnement des frites et une corbeille de pain de campagne dans des plats en argenterie forcèment (car vous allez remarquer que la personne la plus snob saucera).

Et comme boisson c'est la bière artisanale ma foi !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Préparation pour 4 personnes

Ingrédients : 4 Kiwis • 480 g de filet de saumon • 4 tranches d’ananas Victoria • 2 oranges • 1 poignée de roquette • 240 g de riz basmati • 8 tiges de menthe effeuillées • 4 c. à c. de sauce soja • 2 c. à c. de graines de chia.

Pour la sauce : 6 c. à s. d’huile d’olive • 2 tranches de Kiwi • 2 c. à s. de jus de citron vert • 2 c. à c. de sauce soja.

      1. Faire cuire le riz, puis bien l’égoutter.

    2. Mixer tous les ingrédients de la sauce au mixeur plongeant.

    3. Peler les kiwis et les couper en demi tranches.

    4. Détailler les oranges en suprêmes, puis les couper en deux.

    5. Couper les tranches d’ananas en petits morceaux.

    6. Couper le saumon en petits cubes. Dans une poêle antiadhésive, le faire sauter à feu vif pour le dorer de tous côtés.

    7. Ajouter la sauce soja et mélanger une dernière fois.

    8. Répartir le riz dans des bols.

Puis vous disposerez par-dessus les fruits, la roquette et le saumon. Arroserez avec la sauce, avant de parsemer les feuilles de menthe et les graines de chia.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Carrés d'agneau revisités préparé en moins de trente minutes

Pour six convives, voici la liste des courses.

Première étape le boucher

Deux beaux carrés d'agneau que vous faites préparer par celui-ci

Puis au marché

du persil

de l'estragon

du cerfeuil

60 g d'amandes entières

20 pommes de terre

Au supermarché

1 œuf

3 cuillères de chapelure

40 g de beurre

sel poivre

2 cuillères soupe d'huile d'olive

Faire fondre le beurre puis mettre dans votre mixeur le beurre les herbes et les amandes.Puis dans un saladier y mettre le mélange en y incorporant le blanc d’œuf le sel et poivre et enfin la chapelure.

Passer deux trois minutes la viande en aller retour dans une poêle avec l'huile d'olive.

Puis préchauffer votre four thermostat 7.

Mettre une casseroles d'eau à bouillir. Puis y plonger les pommes de terre.

Étaler la pâte d'herbes puis rouler la viande. Enfournez la 18 minutes.

Avec ce plat servir un Mouton Rothschild rouge.

Joyeuses Paques. !!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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Charlotte au chocolat parsemée de petits œufs de nos enfance.

Pour les courses direction le supermarché

1 tablette de chocolat noir pâtissière

20 cl de crème fraîche liquide

25 biscuits à la cuillère

5 cl de lait

100 g de beurre

4 oeufs

30 g de sucre glace

petit sachet d œuf en sucre pour la décoration

Prendre son plat à charlotte le beurré y placer les biscuits préalablement mouiller dans une bol contenant le lait dans le fond et sur les cotés.

Laisser de cotés

Préparer la mousse

Séparer les jaunes des blancs.

Faire fondre chocolat lait et beurre au micro ondes quelques secondes

Puis dans un saladier mélanger chocolat beurre jaune d’œuf

Laisser de coté

Dans un autre saladier y mettre les blancs d’œufs le sucre petit à petit battant doucement puis incorporer avec une spatule le mélange chocolat plus la crème.

Mettre une couche de chocolat puis intervertir une couche de biscuit, terminer par une couche de biscuit.

Mettre un film transparent puis 24 heures au frigo.

Pour servir retourner le moule sur une assiette, décorer avec un peu de crème chantilly. Y rajouter les petits œufs en décoration.

Servir avec un bon champagne.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld


Chocolate Charlotte strewn with small eggs from our childhood.

For the races direction the supermarket

1 tablet of dark chocolate pastry

20 cl of fresh cream

25 biscuits with spoon

5 cl of milk

100 g of butter

4 eggs

30 g icing sugar

small bag of sugar eggs for decoration

Take the charlotte cake and place the biscuits in a bowl containing the milk in the bottom and on the sides.

Leave besides

Prepare the mousse

Separate the yellows from the whites.

Melt milk chocolate and butter in the microwave for a few seconds

Then in a bowl mix chocolate butter egg yolk

Leave besides

In another bowl put the egg whites sugar slowly beating gently and then incorporate with a spatula the mixture of chocolate and cream.

Put a layer of chocolate and then invert a layer of biscuit, finish with a layer of biscuit.

Put a transparent film then 24 hours in the fridge.

To serve the mold on a plate, decorate with a little whipped cream. Add the small eggs in decoration.

Serve with a good champagne !

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld
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Dessert coloré pour un début de printemps Papillotes de fruits exotiques avec un verre de Limoncello.

Cette recette ravira vos convives car elle est légère.

Pour quatre personnes vous avez besoin sur le marché

1 banane

1 fruit de la passion

1 ananas

1 kiwi

4 morceaux de sucre roux

1 citron vert

1 sorbet fruit rouge

Taillez en petit dès la banane le kiwi, 200 grammes d'ananas

Faire revenir le tout pendant trois minutes dans une casserole.

Prendre quatre coupelles y mettre le mélange de fruit chaud avec une boule de glace dessus.

Y rajoutez un biscuit cigarette ou gaufrette au chocolat.

Servir ce dessert avec un verre de Limoncello glacé.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld


Daynewsworld was there to report to you in the Salle Graveau!

When we arrived, we saw a charming hostess give the chefs a jacket embroidered with the symbol of the Michelin Guide.

All the chiefs wore one.

Almost because once there we learned that it was only the nominees.
To see all his white cloaks were magical.
We were saddened when we heard that some were losing a star.

In the new Etoile which was part of the famous club Fooding our friend Simon Tondo received his first star for the restaurant Racine he really did not expect.

Women also got their star like Stephanie Le Quellec who received her second star.

Personally, the great chef remains Alain Ducasse and the new boss is simply chef David Toutain who is one of the few to innovate.
Mia Kennedy for DayNewsWorld



The new director of the Michelin guide, Gwendal Poullennec, had warned

"A star is awarded for one year. If the quality of the service is at the rendezvous and we do not detect flaws, we have no problem to be responsive. Up or down. ".

And for big names known to the public this reactivity had a bitter aftertaste, they who were demoted by the famous red guide.

A bitter aftertaste for three-star big names: chef Marc Veyrat, who loses the third star a year after winning his third macaroon, Marc Haeberlin from L'Auberge de l'Ill, in Illhaeusern (Haut- Rhine) - starred for fifty years - and Pascal Barbot Paris triple star in the last eleven years for his restaurant L'Astrance in Paris ..

On the other hand two new join this very closed club (127 three stars in the world, including 27 in the Hexagon): Laurent Petit for its lacustrine cooking at Clos des Sens in Annecy and Italo-Argentinian Mauro Colagreco for its cosmopolitan cuisine in its Mirazur restaurant in, Menton, famous. In total, they are now 27 three-star restaurants in France.

This year, the Michelin Guide featured women with newcomers, such as Stéphanie Le Quellec, the former winner of "Top Chef" in 2011, and her second star for La Scène in Paris, while Amélie Darvas and Gaby Benicio. get a star for their Aponem table at Vailhan in the Hérault.Julia Sedefdjian for Baieta in Pari, Naoëlle d'Hainault forOr Q'Idée in Pontoise or Virginie Giboire for her restaurant Racines in Rennes ... also drop their first star . Anne-Sophie Pic in Valencia retains its three stars.

The Red Guide has created three distinctions:

Sarah Benahmed receives the prize for reception and room service for the Strasbourg restaurant Le Crocodile.Albert Malongo Ngimbi, head sommelier at Saint Crescent Table (Narbonne, Aude), receives the Michelin Sommelier Award.

And Christopher Coutanceau receives the prize for sustainable gastronomy for his restaurant in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime).

At your fork!

Kelly Donaldson for DayNewsWorld


Did you know that researchers have developed an "ideal diet": double your consumption of nuts, fruits, vegetables and legumes and halve those of meat and sugar!

Thus we could feed 10 billion humans well by 2050 while preserving the planet. But with the key, a radical change of our modes of production and consumption.

This is a scientific report of January 17, 2019, co-produced by the British medical journal The Lancet and the NGO Foundation EAT and mobilized for three years 37 experts from 16 countries, which informs us.

This report establishes a "global health regime" that aims to ensure a "balance between human health needs and environmental impacts". "Current diets push the Earth beyond its limits and are a source of disease: they are a threat to both people and the planet," the scientists write.

Protect our health while preserving the environment, this is our new challenge !! So let's break with our old eating habits to adopt an ecoresponsible diet.

Let's break down the list of foods for each day

Recommended: 300 grams of vegetables, 200 grams of fruit, 200 grams of whole seeds (rice, wheat, corn, etc.), 250 grams of whole milk (or equivalent), but only ... 14 grams of red meat, ten times less than a steak of classic size. In the absence of red meat, proteins can come from the consumption of poultry (29 g), fish (28 g), eggs (13 g) or nuts of all kinds (50 g).

This is a diet that, according to these researchers, would prevent approximately "11 million premature deaths a year" in the world while the world's population will reach 10 billion by 2050. A regime also good for the planet, since "global food production threatens the stability of our climate system and [our] ecosystems".

Of course "This does not mean that the world population should eat exactly the same set of foods," the experts say. Rather than defining a single diet, they set "ranges of recommended ingestions per food group".

This "complete diet" can be adapted locally according to "culture, geography and demography".

Emily Jackson for DayNewsWorld


For this Christmas, we are going to have a gala dinner of yesteryear.

Here is the menu for 6 people:

little appetizer, foie gras appetizer on its gingerbread bed with its compotee

the turkey dish with chestnuts accompanied by its mashed carrot celery duo

cheese plate

Grandma's Christmas log dessert Colette


a package of small white pudding

a package of black pudding

a package of mini blinis

a box of red lumpfish eggs

Heat the water in a saucepan and throw black and white pudding, then collect them, put them in silver cups with small wooden picks. Then spread the blini with the tarama and arrange them on a silver tray. Serve with an iced champagne.

For the entry: a foie gras or slices of foie gras

a packet of gingerbread

a box of fig compote

Try to make shapes of moon stars in the gingerbread and greasy then arrange them in porcelain plates and add a teaspoon of fig compote. For the wine a little sauternes will do the trick.

For the dish:

an empty turkey

two tablespoons of olive oil

three cubes of chicken broth

two onions


a jar of natural chestnuts


ten carrots


a ball of celery

hazelnut oil

First brown the onions chopped with two walnuts in a pan and deglaze with cognac and set aside. Drain the chestnuts and mash them. Put this stuffing in the turkey. Then oil the dish to bake for an hour at 180 °. Wet it with water where you put the cubes and after an hour add on your cognac juice. Cook another ten minutes and serve hot.

For the mashed carrots:

Cook the peeled carrots in a pan of water, crush them with melted butter and add some zest of pressed orange.

For celery puree: Cut it into pieces and cook in a pan of hot water. Then mix with a little cooking water and a dash of hazelnut oil. Accompany this dish with a red wine that you will also serve with the cheese to not make too much wine mixture.

For the cheese platter let yourself be guided by the cheese maker

For dessert a traditional Christmas log:

140g of powdered sugar

100g of flour

200 g of butter

250 g of chocolate

11 grams of yeast

4 eggs

Start by separating the whites from the yolks, then beat the yolks with the sugar and add three tablespoons of warm water, then add the flour to the yeast. Beat the egg whites and pour into our mixture. Put the dough in a long dish in the oven 180 ° for ten minutes. Meanwhile, heat the chocolate in a bain-marie and add the butter. Collect the biscuit spread chocolate and roll the cake on itself. Put it in the refrigerator and make a little decoration on it.

Serve with a champagne.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Mashed in the ROBUCHON way for you!

I had the opportunity to attend Joel this immense talent that we all regret because this dish was authentic good simple.

When he came into my kitchen he said let me show you how to make a good puree it's simple but it's a real twist.

You can give it as well from a poultry fish to a black pudding meat from a good slice of white ham but that comes from the butcher's shop.

Today, personally, I will present it to you with scallop nuts.

To start come with me to the market to fill your basket

six scallop nuts

a kilo of potatoes

bordier butter

twenty five centiliter whole milk

fine salt

coarse salt


olive oil

a bunch of parsley

First you will prepare the nuts of St. Jacques:

In a pan add olive oil and chopped parsley, peppered and salted. Then return the walnuts of St. Jacques. Once cooked reserve aside but do not forget to reserve the cooking juice.

Here is the puree that is not so easy.

Cook the potatoes with mostly their skins in a saucepan with water and half a handful of coarse salt.

Then remove the skin crush them by passing them in a vegetable mill. Especially not to put them in the robot it would become too liquid.

Melt the butter in the bath and then mix it with the mash energetically with a spatula.Là you will make the muscles.Puis continue with lukewarm milk to mix. Then again a little courage you mix everything with non-electric manual whisk.

As Mr. Robuchon said mashed home is the old fashioned with the oil of the elbow otherwise it is necessary to open a pack of muslin !!! To accompany this dish serve with a dry white wine Gewurtraminer.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



Aunt Adelaide recipe: Cherry clafoutis.
This recipe is family so it is planned for eight people and

you must plan an hour to do it.
For this you need the following ingredients:
1 packet of butter
4 eggs
20 cl of milk
60 g caster sugar
100g of flour
1kilo of black cherries they are sweeter
100 grams of flour
1 pinch of salt
icing sugar

First wash the cherries removing their tails.
Put your oven thermostat 7.
Melt 40 grams of butter in the microwave.

Then in a salad bowl mix sugar salt eggs milk flour butter.
In an oven dish grease it with butter beforehand.
Drop the cherries and the dough of the salad bowl on it.

Put the dish for 25 minutes.
A Clafoutis can be served cold or warm.
Just before presenting it sprinkle with icing sugar. Serve with champagne.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



Here you have the Parma ham or Patanegra peach course for you to choose Italy or Spain.
The month of July arrives.
We must try to stay light in the kitchen to be able to wear our pretty little two-room in a month on the beach.
Long live the salads.
For this recipe we will do a little tour to the market. This recipe requires eight minutes of cooking, twenty preparation.
She is very easy. In your cart you have to put it for four guests
4 ripe peaches
1 ball of mozzarella that you take especially to the Italian department and not to the supermarket it does not have the same taste
8 nice slices of Parma ham from Panategra
400 grams of rocket
3 spoons of oil
salt pepper
1 spoon of vinegar
1 tablespoon liquid honey
First we will grill the peaches.
For this, pit them, cut them in four quarters, brush them with honey.
Bake for a few minutes in the oven (on a plate previously, you will have protected with aluminum foil) so that they are just grilled.
Watch them carefully so as not to burn them.
Then put in each plate a little clean salad.
In the middle, arrange pieces of mozzarella.
Then around like a flower a slice of ham then of fishing to alternate.
In a small bowl mix pepper salt oil vinegar.

Put this mixture in a gravy boat so that each guest can choose the amount of vinaigrette he wants. Foresee a good baguette with a light wine you can even offer a carafe of fresh water with lemons.
If you want more light forget the mozzarella.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



Recipe of summer, recipe of Provence.
You will prepare today little stuffed.
Allow 40 minutes of preparation for half an hour of cooking.
For this recipe you need the following ingredients:
4 tomatoes
2 zucchini
1 eggplant
250 g of sausage meat
1 egg
7 onions
1 bunch of parsley
50 g bread crumbs
1 slice of country bread
1 half glass of milk
olive oil smelling of Provence
30 g of rice
First you will cut the eggplant and zucchini in their length. Then in tomatoes and onions you remove the top to make a hat.
Empty the vegetables of their flesh then salt and pepper and turn the vegetables on a dish.
Then soak the bread with the milk.
Chop onions parsley and garlic. Mix with sausage meat and vegetables. Then you incorporate the bread into this mixture.
Last step put a few grams of rice in the bottom of the vegetables then dispose your stuffing.
In a baking dish, place your stuffed stuffed with breadcrumbs sprinkled with a drizzle of olive oil. Let cook 30 minutes thermostat 6.

With this dish I advise you to serve a small Bandol Rosé.
Maie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



To impress our moms a small homemade meal is always a great gift these recipes are planned for four people:

As a starter, the avocado surimi verrine is always a sensation

2 lawyers

8 square of Kiri cheese or laughing cow

7 sticks of Surimi that can be found in the supermarket

½ lemon yellow

2 tablespoons fresh cream

A few sprigs of chives

Some dill branches

Salt pepper

Children take the avocados ask an adult to remove the kernel and put in a bowl the flesh with lemon juice pepper salt mix everything and reserve.

In another bowl crush the cheese chives sprigs cut in small piece, dill chisel.

In another mix with an adult surimis with two spoons of cream.

In glasses put a layer of white cheese mixture, avocado mixture, then overcoat the surimi mixture.

Put a small flower on it to let rest in the refrigerator to serve fresh.

The salmon dish mom I love you

4 salmon steak

olive oil

a cluster of cherry tomatoes

a bag of Provence grass

rice in bags uncle ben

ready tomato sauce

a pot of lighten cream

salt pepper

aluminum foil

First take four aluminum rectangle and place a salmon steak with a drizzle of olive oil, a few small cherry tomatoes and close the package. With an adult put in the oven at 180 ° fifteen minutes.

For the sauce heat the tomato sauce with the crème fraîche a few minutes salt pepper.

In a saucepan heat the rice that will be served in a round dish with the sauce boat (cream sauce tomato mixture). We will have in each plate a papillote.

In Dessert Strawberry Pie

A short pastry that is found at the supermarket

600 g of strawberries from the market

20 cl of liquid cream

2 eggs

50 grams of sugar

In a pie dish put the dough in it and prick it with a fork. Preheat the oven to 180 °.

Mix liquid cream, eggs and sugar.

Then put on the dough, put the dish in the oven for 25 minutes.

Meanwhile, wash the strawberries cut in half lengthwise. Once cooked, let it cool. Then add the strawberries.

The kids bring the pie saying Happy Mother's Day!

Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld




We are going to do like Prince Harry trying to eat only liquid.

This recipe will take you only 20 minutes.

For your basket you need
Tomatoes especially from your market gardener or the market but ban the supermarket
500 grams of tomatoes
Two tablespoon of olive oil
An onion
Some fresh basil leaves

First rinse your tomatoes and cut into small pieces
Then season with salt, olive oil, chopped onion and 3 basil leaves. Take your blender and grind it.
Put the mixture in the fridge
Cut four basil leaves to decorate your verrines or you put your cold soup if you want to serve as a starter or dish to friends. Serve with a little pink MINUTY.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



This dessert does not require any cooking.

It's in tune with the times.You know with the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan who often follow Vegan diets.

For the supermarket yes I decided to go shopping like Prince Harry and his future wife at the supermarket. So go to the Grande Épicerie de Paris with the list for this dessert for four guests:

200 grams of fresh raspberries

50 grams of pistachios

150 grams of dried apricots

150 grams of almonds

Edible flowers

20 cl of coconut cream

250 white vegan chocolate

125 grams of cashew nuts

First mix 30 grams of pistachios plus almonds and apricots.

Arrange this texture at the bottom of a square dish and set aside for the fridge.

Melt the chocolate and mix with the coconut cream. Then, once the cashews are mixed add them to the previous mixture.

Pour into the mold and sprinkle with 100 grams of raspberries. Return to the refrigerator for at least three hours. The unmolded on silver tray decorate it with raspberries and dried flowers.

Always serve with a Ruinart champagne.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


This dish is of a finesse worthy of a great chef.

My friend Hélène Daroze taught me this easy recipe.

For this you first need to go to the market to buy fresh products.

For four people you need:

500 large prawns

A lemon

Three passion fruits

Two mangoes



Three ripe avocados

Tube of mayonnaise

Tomato puree

A spoon of powdered sugar

Four slices of bread

First shell the shrimp. Cut them finely in their lengths. Place in a soup plate, lemon, salt and pepper. Store in the fridge.

In a dish put the avocado flesh. Add a little lemon juice to prevent it from turning black. Then make a mashed potato by adding two teaspoons of mayonnaise, a spoonful of tomato paste and a spoon of caster sugar. Mix and chill.

Remove the skins from the mangoes. Cut in slices, reserve them.

To take four plates is the fateful moment training. Put in the middle of each shrimp to superimpose the mangoes. A little pepper on it and add a little passion fruit. On the sides of this preparation, toss avocado with small slices of toasted bread and cut into small rectangles.

It's ready to serve. Serve with iced champagne.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



The weather is a little cold, but you have to do a little diet.

The fashionable seasonal dish that you can enjoy at all La Sauerkraut de la Mer champagne dinners.

You will need Preparation Time

400g of haddock (and 1 / 2l of milk to desalt it)

400g of salmon (fresh or smoked)

400g monkfish tail (spring) or sole

5 to 10 scallops (fall-winter)

10 to 20 molds

2 slices of smoked bacon

A kg of sauerkraut (raw or cooked with white wine)

A dozen potatoes

An onion

A C. coffee of juniper berries

A C. cumin

30 cl of white wine or champagne (if your sauerkraut is raw)

A bouquet garni

200 g of butter

A C. thick cream

4 shallots

20 cl of champagne I recommend Ruinart

A C. sauerkraut cooking juices

A few drops of lemon juice

Salt pepper

You will start with:

Prepare the sauerkraut: if it is raw, rinse with cold water and squeeze it between your hands.

Peel the onion and slice it thinly.

Put some oil in your casserole and make the onion blond, then add half of the sauerkraut with juniper berries cumin, smoked bacon and bouquet garni, mix and cover with the other half of sauerkraut .

Sprinkle with your Ruinart champagne and fill with water to reach three quarters of the sauerkraut height.

Cover and let simmer for 2 hours.

Cook the haddock: start cooking in the cold milk, and cook for 10 minutes from the boil.

A quarter of an hour before the end of cooking sauerkraut, peel the potatoes, wash them and put them in the casserole.

After 2 hours of cooking the sauerkraut, place the monkfish and salmon steaks on the sauerkraut, cover and cook for another 10 minutes.

Add scallops and mussels (in their well-cleaned shells).

Continue cooking for 10 minutes

Make your butter white:

Peel the shallots and chop them finely.

Put them in a heavy saucepan with the champagne, sauerkraut cooking juice and 20 cl of water. Add salt and pepper. Reduce by two-thirds over high heat for about 10 minutes

Cut the butter into pieces (it must be cold). Add the crème fraîche when the reduction is sufficient and lower the heat. Then throw the butter all at once into the pan and beat with a whisk to emulsify the sauce.

Put your sauce in the silver gravy boat. Then in a silver dish your sauerkraut. Do not forget to put your frozen Ruinart on the table.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld
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Ca te recette plat tout le monde et surtout elle est très facile à faire.

Vous avez besoin pour cela:
Un œuf
100 g de beurre mou
100 g de sucre en poudre
200 grammes de farine
100 grammes de chocolat noir
Une pincée de sel
Une demi-cuillère à soupe de levure
Allumer votre four thermostat 6 ou à 180 degrés.
Dans un saladier mélanger le beurre le sucre et l'œuf jusqu'à l'obtention d'une crème puis y incorporer la farine, la levure et le sel.

De nouveau vous mélangez le tout et laisser un peu reposer.
Pendant ce temps-là casser votre chocolat en petits morceaux.
Ajoutez le chocolat à votre pâte.
Faire des petites que vous installez sur une plaque beurré et fariné.
Faire cuire 14 minutes.
Puis sortir du four et laissez refroidir 10 minutes.
Disposer un petit napperon sur un plateau en argent. Les disposer dessus et les servir au milieu de la table.
Avec vous pouvez servir un thé aux fruits rouges ou un thé avec à la vanille.

Pour les enfants servez leurs un verre de lait froid ou une orange pressée.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld
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En avril plat facile
Lancez vous dans un rôti de veau accompagné de petits légumes printanier.
Cette recette est facile le temps de préparation de 20minutes et de cuisson 1h20.
Pour quatre convives il vous faut:
800 g de filet de veau roulé
600g de carottes nouvelle
12  petits oignons
une barquette de tomates cerises
un cube de bouillon de fond de veau
une cuillère à café de beurre
sel et poivre
un petit coeur de céleri
En premier mettre le four à chauffer à 200 degré.
Puis disposez votre viande badigeonné de beurre dans un plat allant au four.
Coupez les légumes les disposez dans le plat autour du filet de veau roulé.
Un peu de sel,poivre le petit cube émietté.
Enfin enfourné pendant 50 minutes, baisser vers les dix dernières minutes à 180.
C'est prêt à déguster.Accorder un bandol rosé cela apporte le soleil.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld


We are going to start doing light.

For races go to your butcher and then to the local grocer.

Here is the list:

4 small escalopes of veal (about 80 g each)


mill pepper

8 leaves of sage

4 thin slices of parma ham

1 tablespoon of olive oil

1 tablespoon of butter

50 ml of wine

50 ml of veal stock

We'll start Italian by tapping our veal cutlets to flatten them with a rolling pin or a hammer. Salt and pepper.

Arrange on each escalope two sage leaves and a slice of ham, fold in half or roll with a wooden spit.

Then in a frying pan heat the oil and butter. During this time put water to boil, then throw pasta as accompaniment.

In the pan fry the cutlets 1 to 2 minutes per side. Book.

Deglaze the bottom with the wine and broth, salt and pepper.

Put the scallops back in the pan and cook them to perfection.

Once ready, prepare a pasta in a large dish next to your cutlets with some sage leaves.

And at the table !!!! With a small bottle of Gewurztraminer !!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Successful dessert guaranteed: banana mousse with mango

For our grandchildren a kind of yoghurt will please them. For 4 people we need

1 banana

1 mango

10 cl of coconut milk

3 tbsp. tablespoons sugar

the juice of 1/2 lemon

3 sheets of gelatin

1 egg white

1 pinch of salt

smarties to decorate

First, prepare the mango coulis:

Soften 2 sheets of gelatin in cold water.

Peel the mango, cut it into pieces and put in a saucepan with 10 cl of water.

Cook 5 min.

Add the dehydrated gelatin, mix and let cool. Add 2 tablespoons sugar and mix. Put in the fridge.

Prepare the banana mousse:

Soften the last sheet of gelatin in cold water.

Heat the coconut milk.

Out of the fire, add the drained gelatin.

Peel and cut the banana into slices.

Mix them with the coconut milk, the lemon juice and the remaining sugar.

Place in the fridge.

Beat the egg white firmly with the salt, add it to the chilled banana puree.

In 4 mustard glasses with children's drawings or take glasses in fun color. Interlayer the foam and grout.

Cool at least 2 hours.

Decorate with the smarties.

Congratulations your grandchildren will love Grandma.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


E ndives with ham. Let's go see our market gardener. What vegetable to make in the month of April. He offers endive. Let's start with the endive recipe ham bechamel sauce. Wednesday I have grandchildren from where if you do not improve endive you will keep them. List of ingredients for four people. So your shopping list:

6 endives

6 slices of ham

For bechamel sauce:

1/2 l of milk

30 g of flour

30 g of butter

1 teaspoon of nutmeg

salt pepper

We will prepare a homemade béchamel but if you do not have the time to prepare one you can buy it ready.

For the bechamel: melt the butter and add the flour. Cook, stirring constantly. Add the milk little by little and mix over low heat until smooth and even. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Then cook the endives in a saucepan in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Wrap each endive in a slice of ham and arrange in the previously buttered dish.

Then add the sauce béchamel, sprinkle with gruyère rappé. Finally put your dish in the oven at 180 ° or thermostat 6 for 20 minutes.

Here are your little monsters will love endive.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


For Easter the tradition is that we cook the famous Lamb.

This recipe is planned for six people, the preparation time is 1:35.

For the races

1 leg of lamb of 1kg 800

8 large potatoes

100g of butter

salt pepper

garlic clove in shirt

Let's start the recipe

First cut your potatoes into slices and place them in the bottom of the previously buttered dish, put on the leg and bake for 15 minutes. Then return the leg of lamb for 15 minutes and again return to salt pepper. Add the garlic cloves.
Lower the thermostat oven 6 or 180 and cook for 40 minutes. Turn off the oven let warm for ten minutes. Then bring your dish.

Accompany it with a red wine I recommend a Petit Cheval Blanc this is always unanimous !!!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



P rofit again winter fruits to concoct a nice dessert. I propose you a poached pear with red wine.

The preparation time is 25 minutes.

This recipe is intended for 4 people. For our shopping cart we need:

8 beautiful pears

75 centilitres of red wine

150 g of sugar

An untreated orange

2 cinnamon sticks

Take the zest of orange in thin strips and squeeze the juice. In a saucepan put the orange zest on the orange juice the wine the sugar and the cinnamon boil all for 10 minutes over medium heat.

Peel the pears while keeping the tail.

Remove the cinnamon sticks and orange zest.

Put the pears in a large saucepan sprinkle with wine cover and poach for 10 minutes over low heat.

Remove the peas and arrange them in a nice porcelain dish. Reduce the wine and divide the juice over the pears. You can bring your dish to the table.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


At the month of March we can still afford good dishes in sauce especially with this rush of cold.

For 6 persons

Preparation 40 minutes

Cooking time: 3 hours

Take the basket and go shopping:

1.5kg of braised beef

6 onions

20 g of sweet butter

3 tablespoons flour

3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar or a remnant of old wines that you will leave macerated a little

1 liter of lager

3 tablespoons brown vergeoise

2 bay leaves

4 branches of dried thyme

3 cloves

8 slices of gingerbread

salt pepper

new potatoes

2 bread sticks

If you know your butcher ask him to cut you the meat in thick slice otherwise it's up to you to do it.

In a casserole brown the meat in the melted butter and season, add the flour and onions. Stir all over low heat for 5 minutes. Then we add vinegar, beer, 50cl of water, vergeoise, thyme, bay leaf, cloves and 5 slices of gingerbread cut into pieces. Let it simmer for 2 hours 45 minutes.

During the cooking time cook the new small potatoes.

With this dish serve very cold beer.

I suggested you to take chopsticks, because in Galatea it is not saucer but I bet you that your guests will take bread to saucer. Be flattered that they become rude by sauteing your dish.

It's that you are a leader!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


A good tarte tatin like my grandmother did.

100 g of sugar

One kilo of apples

A broken dough that we buy ready at the supermarket

We will learn how to make caramel

For this we need 100 grams of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water. Heat over low heat for 5 minutes and gently mix the caramel is ready.

Caramel on the bottom of a pie dish.

That you have previously cut in large dice remove the skin of course.

Cover with your broken dough.

Bake at thermostat 210 or 7 depending on the oven for 25 minutes.

Personally I serve it with cream bought from my cheese is a delight to associate with a scoop of vanilla ice cream over it.

Also as a drink I often choose with champagne or cider.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld


Beef bourguignon easy egg (preparation 30 minutes, cooking 3 hours)

For 6 peoples our shopping cart

1kg of beef

2 onions

3 carrots

1 garlic clove

2 tablespoons flour

30 cl of red wine

1 bouquet garni (thyme, bay leaf)

100 g diced bacon

250 g of Paris mushrooms

salt pepper


a bottle of red wine (personally I use Baron de Rothschild)

We put everything on the work plan

Cut the meat into pieces, peel the onions and carrots into slices. Crush the clove of garlic and go in the casserole we poured three tablespoons of oil we poured all our preparation that is allowed to return 5 minutes to add salt.

Then we add by mixing flour two glasses of red wine bouquet garni. Bring to a boil put two glasses of water to add during cooking if necessary simmer three hours.

Meanwhile, cook potatoes for accompaniment.
To decant your wine and serve it you will specify that you used it to make your Burgundy.

I bet you that your guests can only tell you that your food is delicious with a wine of this quality!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld
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Prévoir sur notre plan de travail de grande cheffe.

Pour 24 madeleines

3 œufs

150g de sucre

1 citron

1 sachet de levure chimique

200g de farine

100g de beurre fondue

50 dl de lait

une pincée de sel

Moules à madeleine

Dans un saladier mélanger les ingrédients de façon à obtenir une pâte lisse.

Ajouter farine, sel, levure, zeste de citron,œufs, commencer à mélanger puis incorporer sucre, beurre et lait. On fouette le tout dynamiquement.

Laisser la pâte reposer 20 minutes au frigo.

Beurrer les moules puis saupoudrer légèrement de farine. Puis une fois que le four est chaud thermostat 210. Mettre le four à 190 pendant 8 à 10 minutes y contempler les jolies bosses. Puis les sortir, laisser refroidir.Et c'est prêt.

Les disposer dans une jolie assiette avec préalablement un napperon disposé dessus. Les servir avec un cup of tea ou un chocolat chaud.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld


For 8 peoples here is the shopping cart:

a green salad

1 kg of potatoes

2 reblochons

7 onions

500g smoked diced bacon



20cl of white wine

30cl of semi-thick cream


Once back home:

Cook the potatoes in water for 20 minutes

Meanwhile, fry the onions previously minced in a frying pan with a knob of butter. Add the bacon and gently fry and finish with cream.

Leave besides. Then peel the potatoes and slice them. In a round baking dish put a layer of potatoes and pour over the contents of the pan. Cover with potatoes. Pour the white wine. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cut the two reblochons in half in thickness and place on top of the cheese crust on the top.

Bake in the oven for 20 minutes (rotating heat grill).

During cooking I take the opportunity to set my table I put my wine in a carafe so that we do not see that I have already used (provide another bottle cool yes the white wine is used cold).

And I prepare a salad bowl of salad to enjoy with. For a tartiflette we put rustic dishes or dishes every day from where on each side of the plate I put a fork and just a knife.

You do not serve an appetizer with then an iced dessert or fruit.

Personally I take as wine Appremont.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld
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Ingrédients :

6 cuillères. à soupe de farine

6 cuillères à soupe de sucre en poudre

2 cuillères. à soupe d'huile de Tournesol

4 cuillères à soupe de lait

2 œufs entiers

1 sachet de levure chimique

1 pincée de sel

Préparation :

préchauffez le four à 180°C.

Battez les œufs entiers avec le sucre en poudre dans un saladier jusqu’à ce que le mélange blanchisse et soit bien homogène et lisse.

Ajoutez alors la farine, le sel et la levure chimique puis mélangez de nouveau afin de bien intégrer ces nouveaux ingrédients à la préparation.

Délayez la préparation en versant progressivement le lait puis l’huile tournesol, en continuant de mélanger. Remuez jusqu'à obtenir une pâte bien lisse et homogène.

Beurrez un moule à manqué et versez-y la pâte. Vous pouvez également utiliser un moule en silicone sans y ajouter de matière grasse.

Enfournez et faites cuire le gâteau simple pendant environ 15 minutes.

Vérifiez la cuisson du gâteau avec la pointe d’un couteau.

Elle doit ressortir propre et sèche à la fin de la cuisson.

Démoulez le gâteau sur un plat pour Servir

Miam miam ......... !!!

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil pour DayNewsWorld


We are going to make small Easter nests which will delight the little ones.

Preparation time is 2 h

What it will take to make your sponge cake

3 eggs

90 g of sugar

60 grams of flour

A pinch of salt

We start by separating the whites from the yellows. Half of the yolks and sugar are put in a bowl and whipped until the mixture turns white. The flour is incorporated.The oven is preheated to 210 or thermostat 7.

The whites are set in snow with a pinch of salt and the remaining sugar is added. Yellow and white are mixed gently. We pour the dough of our Easter cake on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cook for 10 minutes.

For the syrup of our Easter cake

3 spoons of water with a mixed sugar. This mixture is boiled and the biscuit is brushed with the sauce of the syrup.

For cream cakes you need 100 g of sugar

150 of butter

A vanilla bean

40g of crushed hazelnuts

2 teaspoons of coffee extract

Some Easter eggs in sugar for decoration

The butter is mixed with a whisk to make it ointment. The seeds of the vanilla bean and the coffee extract are added.

We mix and reserve.

We break the eggs and beat them for 2 minutes. The sugar is added little by little, always whisking. The salad bowl is placed on a water bath and mixing is continued until a doubled volume is obtained. It is removed from the water bath and once cooled is incorporated this mixture with vanilla butter.

The cream is spread inside the biscuit and rolled. It is filmed and placed one hour cool. With one side in a small pot still in the fridge the remaining cream.

We cut the biscuit of our cake into 4 equal sections of cream and spread the sides and the tops of cakes. Cream the turn and place the crushed hazelnuts by hand. Pour the rest of the cream on top and then decorate with the small eggs in sugar and reserve in the fridge until you taste.

Happy Easter.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld



One of my friends once told me that making complicated dishes to one's guests was useless.

Because they could taste them in the three macaroons Michelin.

We will be inspired by Inès de la Fressange, my friend who always serves her guests a wonderful chicken with mashed potatoes or homemade fries.

Roasted chicken mashed with herb sauce.

Here is the recipe for 4 people the cooking time will be about an hour and 15 minutes of preparation. Go now let's go to the market.

80g softened butter

Black pepper

1 kilograms of chicken

A lemon

For our delicious herb sauce

Two tablespoons of olive oil

2 cloves garlic

A small chopped onion

2 tablespoons pine nuts

A big handful of flat parsley leaves

180 ml of chicken broth

For mashed potatoes predict

1kg 2 of potatoes

2 eggs

125 milliliters of olive oil

Let's start with the chicken preheat the oven to 200 °. Mix the butter and pepper in a bowl. Place the cut lemon in the chicken cavity and tie the legs tightly. Brush the chicken with the butter and pepper mixture in the baking dish. Fairel roast for an hour until the skin is golden and the chicken is well cooked.

While cooking the chicken, the potatoes can be heated in water for 20 minutes until they are soft. Then drain in a bowl, add a little salt and eggs and oil until smooth. Keep warm until ready to serve.

For the accompaniment, the herb sauce: heat the oil in a pan and add the garlic pine nuts and parsley chicken broth and pepper. And once a little heated recover this liquid by putting it in the blender. Mix this sauce. Then warm it up for a minute or two before serving it in your beautiful chicken gravy boat and mashed potatoes that will arrive as chefs on your well-laid table.

Personally I serve this dish a coast-of-nights-villages because this wine has spicy fruity aromas that agree very well with the chicken.

Marie-Chantal de Verneuil for DayNewsWorld