How to have a peach complexion in the morning ?

And not having drawn features and suitcases under your eyes when you wake up enough to shoot a six-foot-long mine in your mirror ! Banish difficult mornings with a few essential evening rituals.

Before going to bed you have to go through the make-up removal box!

Go no excuse not to take cotton, wipe and cleansing lotion. We're not talking about an exhausting day at work or a crazy evening with your crush of the year, the make-up removal box in the bathroom is mandatory for hunting down impurities !

Make a new look

We apply on her freshly cleansed skin a lotion which tones the skin while avoiding the eye contour, then a night cream and why not an eye contour serum. And now your skin is well hydrated for the night.

So far, nothing extraordinary, just super banal, will you retort ?

Yes, but have you thought about the small facial massage in the evening ?

No, of course, we are in too much of a hurry to slip under the duvet. Go a little more effort.

Do a little facial massage.

This is the infallible technique for not looking dug up early in the morning.

It decongests the skin while being effective in evacuating toxins

So no more hesitation, let's get started.

When applying your night cream, you pinch the skin quite firmly between your thumb and index finger, reproducing the movement centimeter by centimeter on each side of the face with both hands.

Repeat the exercise from the cheekbones towards the temples, from the mouth towards the ears, from the chin towards the jaw and finally from the chin towards the birth of the neck.

The guarantee of a peachy complexion the next day.

Evening food hygiene.

It is better to avoid all foods that are too fatty and bet on a good plate of vegetables with a portion of starch so as not to be peckish in the evening.

And above all, beware of snacking before going to bed !

Sleep the sleep of the wise.

Adopt regular schedules and listen to your biological clock:

from the first yawns your body signals its fatigue. Restorative sleep lasts between 6 and 9 hours depending on the person.

Addicted to your screen, you certainly are, so turn it off for a good half hour before falling into the arms of Morpheus

And by following all these little tips you will be on top when you wake up  !!!

Mia Kennedy for DayNewsWorld