When it's hot, even at night, it's not always easy to fall asleep. Some make sleepless nights, others have the impression the awakening of having no restful sleep. Our body is supposed to cool a little bit, a half to a degree, and so, with the heat we have, we do not cool as quickly, and so we have a less good sleep because the temperature of our body is too high. So, what to do to avoid this?

Turn back in one direction, then in another. Watch the ceiling sweat, get a little cool and see the hours passing by. When it's hot, getting sleep is sometimes complicated, but everyone has a little trick:

A shower to cool off

It is reasonable to take a shower about 2 or 3 degrees less than usual and to avoid drying out.

The fan is useful, but we must still be very careful because if we put the fan directly on his body, we will risk a hot-cold.

Air in the evening

Open as much as possible doors, windows, create a small draft at dusk, when the temperature of the day decreases

What works very well is a small mist of water that can be put on his bedside table to refresh his face just before going to sleep

For an ideal sleep, the temperature of your room should oscillate between 18 and 20 degrees.

Stay hydrated

The good news is that after a few days, the body will get used to the hot weather, but we must continue to hydrate well, drink a lot, day and night.

Kelly Donaldson for DayNewsWorld