What happens when you bring together the world's biggest pop star and a two-time Super Bowl champion ?

Lots of excitement, as shown by the romance between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.

The Taylor Swift effect can be seen everywhere, right up to the Super Bowl. 123.4 million viewers in the United States watched on Sunday, on their television or in streaming, the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl, with popstar Taylor Swift in the stands, announced the CBS network which claims the largest audience ever achieved by a single network.

“CBS Sports' coverage of the 58th Super Bowl was the most-watched in history with a total audience of 123.4 million viewers across all platforms, including CBS Television Network, Paramount+, Nickelodeon, Univision, and CBS Sports , Univision and the NFL's digital properties, including NFL +,” CBS Sports said in a statement, saying it was based on audience measurements from the Nielsen company.

The Chiefs' victory last night to reach the Superbowl was followed worldwide, not that American football is breaking through across borders, just that the community of "Swifties" is watching.

On the night from Sunday to Monday, the Kansas City Chiefs won over the Baltimore Ravens and qualified for the Superbowl, the grand final of American football. Usually, this sport only ignites the United States and struggles to raise an eyebrow of interest in a European. But this victory for the Chiefs has, this time, gone well beyond American borders, celebrated on a global scale by the “Swifties”, fans of the singer Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift has given the NFL a unique opportunity to expand its appeal to a demographic – young women – who may not have been interested in American football before. The "Swifties", as the singer's fans are called, are excited at the idea of ​​seeing the pop icon fall in love.

So, every time she goes to a stadium to cheer on her new lover, the Kansas City Chiefs star who plays tight end, which she has done four times in the last two months and she could well do it again soon, the media are having a field day. Her romance with Travis Kelce brought the attention of "Swifties" to the sport - and this team in particular. Especially since Travis Kelce is very appreciated and validated by the ''Swifties.

But amid all the cheers and Instagram shares, the situation provides some useful insights into marketing and big money. In a snap of her fingers Taylor Swift received at least 75 million dollars for the broadcast rights to the film Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour, the full recording of her last tour which was recently a hit in cinemas with 260 million collected at the box office -world office.

Which will make many “Swifties” dream of.

Kate White for DayNewsWorld