The government seems to want to play the game in terms of pension reform.

Building on the potential for future savings on old-age insurance, in the context of the vote on the next Social Security budget bill, the government is no longer in such a hurry to pass this law on pension reform. A law that aims to align all pension systems on top of each other, in a point system in which "every euro contributed opens the way to the same rights".

Having concluded the consultation with the social partners, the High Commissioner for pension reform Jean-Paul Delevoye has to return his copy until July 12.

But the executive could change the calendar by shifting from September to December the presentation of the reform cabinet ministers, according to news reports. And the law would then be voted after the municipal elections in March 2020.

It is because the reform is an explosive subject the government would already prefer to deal with the issue of "working more" first. No doubt: the French no longer have the choice to work longer to finance including the pension system, the decline of 5 billion euros in income tax, and dependence. Hence the idea of ​​introducing a "pivotal age" at age 64 with a dissuasive haircut that currently amounts to 5% per year. A way to get cash back into cash quickly without waiting for 2025.

Emmanuel Macron during his speech after great debate and Édouard Philippe before the National Assembly had warned.

On the other hand, the single bill considered by the high commission a year ago could be abandoned in favor of a framework law, that is to say a text simply laying down the main principles, calling for other laws, ordinances, decrees, etc.

One way to delay the deadline ...

The universalization of pension plans may not be for tomorrow.......

Jaimie Potts for DayNewsWorld